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Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Page 11

  I agree with her, “Yeah, probably. Just like my GTO is still hands down my favorite car produced by our shop because Dylan and I did it all.”

  After two hours, Charlotte and I have been by every stand the market has to offer. “Well, I guess we should get you home.”

  She looks at the bags in my hands and in her own, “Yes, that’s probably a good idea, before I buy the entire market.”

  We walk back out to my car and I load all of the bags into the back seat before we head back to the interstate to go back to Charlotte’s house.

  I flip the radio to the classic rock station and Charlotte looks over at me, “Thank you for going with me today. I had fun.”

  “I did too. And it’s not a problem, Alex and Brooke drag me there a lot, so I know my way around.”

  “Your friend Alexandra?”

  I’ve only mentioned Alex once at the charity event, “Yeah, that’s the one.”

  She seems to be thinking hard about something before finally asking, “Are you really just friends with her?”

  Oh shit. I don’t know why I care about Charlotte knowing about my history with Alex, but my first instinct is to leave that out if I can. No part of me wants to lie to her though. After my conversation with Alex the other night I feel confident that we are in fact just friends from now on. “Yes.”

  Her hands are folding in her lap when she turns back to look out the windshield, like she’s fighting herself not to ask her next question. “Was there ever more?”

  Well fuck me. I guess she lost that battle. “There was never a relationship, if that’s what you mean.”

  Please drop it. “So you’ve slept with her?”

  Fuck! I turn my head slightly to see her face, still keeping an eye on the road. She looks nervous, but she’s not backing down like usual when she asks a “personal” question. “Yeah. A couple of times, but not anymore. I’m pretty sure she’s met the guy she’s going to end up with.”

  “So have you ever been in a serious relationship?”

  What the fuck? We were having a great day, keepin’ it fairly professional. And now she wants to talk about relationships. Her relationship, I’m fine with talking about, but mine? Normally, I would shut this shit down, but it’s fucking Charlotte. I can’t tell this woman no. “Not for a really long time.”

  She nods her head like that was the answer she was expecting. “Why? You’re such a great guy Jackson. Don’t you want more?”

  I laugh, usually women refer to me as an asshole, not as a great guy. “Right now, I’m set. I have a successful business. I have Dylan and his family. I don’t really have the time, or the desire for a relationship.”

  That last part may not be the entire truth now. Lucky for me the only girl that could change that for me is married.

  “They do take a lot of work.”

  Okay maybe I can change the subject.

  And then, of-fucking-course that’s shot to hell when she asks, “So you only have one-night stands?” This time she covers her mouth in embarrassment, “I’m so sorry, Jackson. Please don’t answer that, it’s so personal. Apparently I have absolutely no filter when I’m around you.”

  Okay so I have two choices here. I can shut this down and risk shutting her down in the process. Be totally professional when I know this woman needs someone to talk to.

  Or I can do what I said, and be here to talk about anything she needs or wants to because she’s essentially alone and needs someone to vent to.

  Fuck I think we all know which option I’m going with.

  I shrug my shoulders to let her know it’s not a big deal and hopefully squash her embarrassment, “Sex isn’t embarrassing. It certainly doesn’t fluster me in any way.” She drops her hand and looks over at me. “And to answer your question, no I don’t just have one-night stands. I have a few women I can call when I need or want to.”

  Way to look like a man whore, Jax. This whole day has gone awry. Not like it matters anyway. She’s fucking married. “And these women are okay with you just calling them for sex?”

  “Yeah, they call me too.”

  I keep my eyes on the road, but I can still see her shocked expression out of the corner of my eye. “Wow.”

  Well I’ve managed to disgust her. Oh well, I guess she won’t be calling me a great guy anymore. “Yeah, I keep it casual most of the time. Fun.”


  I grip the steering wheel. Keep your answers short, Jax. Do yourself one fucking favor. “Yeah.”

  “I’ve never thought of sex as fun.”

  Damn. I can’t let that go. “Sex should always be a little fun.”

  I pull into her driveway and keep the car running, turning to her. She shrugs her small shoulders, “I mean I enjoy it for the most part, but I don’t think I would ever describe it as fun.”

  I have a feeling that sex is a chore in her world. And that’s just a damn shame. “Well, I’m not talking about constant fun, but enjoying yourself is a must.”

  She smiles, “Wow, you really don’t mind talking about sex.”

  “No, I don’t. It’s just a part of life, one of the great ones.”

  “It’s probably not appropriate for us to talk about though.” She turns to look at her house in front of us. Okay, there we go. Charlotte is going to change the subject for me since I can’t seem to. She then looks back at me, “But I suppose you probably talk to your other friends about these things all of the time?”

  “Well, we talk about other things, but I guess the subject comes up.”

  “Especially with Adam Shriller?”

  I’m guessing she’s mentioning him since he brought up going out and getting laid at the charity event she met him at. Which never happened because he got called back to California. Fucker gave me a rain check.

  “I guess these days that’s true. Dylan’s happily married, so Shriller is my newest wingman.”

  “So I guess you’ve been with a lot of women?”

  I sigh. I’m not really one to count. “I guess.”

  She smiles, actually fucking smiles, “Well I think it’s great you are so free about this subject. Where I’m from it’s not really talked about. And even Nicholas hushes me when I talk about it.”

  This fucking guy. “That’s fucking weird, Charlotte. You should be able to talk to him about it. No wonder it’s not fun.”

  Oops. That was definitely not filtered enough. And she looks upset by that.

  I place my hand on her arm. “I’m sorry I mean he should allow you to talk about it.”

  She shakes her head, “He doesn’t like to talk about much.”

  “Okay, so maybe it’s been lame with him, but what about before him? Surely, you had fun with someone in the sack before?”

  Not that I want to think about this, but Charlotte never experiencing a good lay irritates the fuck out of me. She bites her lip nervously and I’m fixated on her perfect mouth, “No, there hasn’t been anyone else. It’s customary to wait for marriage and that’s what I did.”

  I need to get out of this car. She’s only been with one fucking man. And he can’t even pull his head out of his ass long enough to add some pleasure to his wife’s life.

  Charlotte wipes a tear from her cheek and I can’t fucking stand it.

  This is twice I’ve seen her cry because of that fucking dickhead. I turn so that I’m facing her directly, not an easy job in the front seat of my car, taking her face in my hands so she has no choice but to look me in the eye, “Please don’t cry. You haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “I just can’t make him happy. I’ve tried so hard.”

  “That’s not your fault, it’s his fucking problem. You’re an amazing woman Charlotte.”

  She smiles at that, “Thank you. It’s nice to hear.”

  “He should be telling you this.”

  We are sitting too fucking close. Her mouth is so fucking close to me that I can smell the minty gum I saw her chewing earlier. “Do you want to come in for a little while?

  Fuck! I’m at a crossroads again. I can’t do this, even if she means it totally innocently. And knowing Charlotte, she does.

  I drop my hands from her face slowly, “I shouldn’t. I really need to get back to the shop.”

  She has disappointment written all over her face.

  Stay strong, Jax.

  “Okay, you’re right. I’m sure Nicholas will call soon to check in and I’m pretty worn out from today.”

  “Yeah, we had a big day.”

  She smiles and I help her inside with her bags before quickly retreating to my car.

  For the record, in that moment, I would have given anything to have stayed.

  Chapter 19


  After I pull away from Charlotte’s house, I have to convince myself not to turn around several times on the way back to the shop.

  I fucking want to. Every single part of me wants to.

  I want to go back to her house, take her upstairs and show her how fun fucking can be, but I can’t.

  I’m so fucking tired of can’t and shouldn’t.

  That’s never been me. I’ve always just went for whatever I wanted, going in blind and giving the middle finger to all of the consequences. Now I have people depending on me.

  The shop isn’t that far from Charlotte’s house so I get there in no time, parking in the front.

  It’s late.

  I left here this morning to go pick up the grill and now it’s close to closing time.

  I walk inside and I’m greeted by our receptionist who is packing up for the day, “Hi, Jax. There are several messages on your desk.”

  I smile, “Thanks. See ya tomorrow.”

  She waves as she walks out of the door and then Dylan saunters in, “Well there you are. Where the fuck have you been?”

  “Out. Who are you, my mother?”

  He grips the back of his neck, I shouldn’t add to his fucking stress. I know he has it piled on these days, but dammit I’m a grown ass man. I don’t need someone keeping tabs on me. “No. I’m your business partner and you were supposed to be back hours ago. Tate Rimes is going insane. He wants a meeting with the both of us to make sure we understand his fucking vision.”

  Great, another pain in the ass VIP that loves to hassle us constantly.

  I head back into the lounge with Dylan right on my ass, “Okay, I’ll call him tomorrow. It’ll be fine. I got held up.”

  “Uh huh, with who?”

  His accusing tone is pissing me off, but I let it go.

  “Yeah Jax, with who? Where the fuck have you been?”

  Fucking Shriller is kicked back on the sofa in the lounge. I roll my eyes, grinning, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I owe you a night of debauchery. Remember? Where the hell you been man? We’ve been waiting.”

  Dylan is standing in the doorway with his arms folded, I don’t think he’s going to let this go easily, but maybe Shriller will serve as a distraction.

  “I had to help a client out.”

  “Which client is that?” That came from Dylan’s mouth.

  I look over at him. If I avoid it, it’ll make his suspicion grow. “Charlotte Warner.”

  Shriller stands up from the couch and slaps me on the back, “That fucking hottie from the party? Oh shit, I would help her with anything she needed.”

  I pour myself a cup of coffee, ignoring Dylan’s pissed off gaze, “It was just business.”

  Dylan walks closer, “All fucking day?”

  Shriller steps in between us, “Guys, I’m only here for one night. I’m sure this pissing match can wait. Let’s go out and get fucked up, have some much needed fun.”

  He turns to me, “Jax, you in?”

  Normally, I would be up for the shit that Shriller brings to the table. But fuck, tonight I kind of want to wallow in the fact that I left Charlotte home alone. That there is nothing I can do about it.

  Never mind. Fuck that shit, that’s really not who I am. “I’m in.”

  He nods, like he already knew my answer and then motions toward Dylan. “Now Mr. Brooke Porter, you think you can get permission to go out tonight?”

  “I told you, I should probably get home. The last time I went out with you fuckheads I was out until three in the morning.”

  Shriller grins, “Hey, that was an epic night. We will have you back a little earlier than that. Come on man, if anyone needs a break, it’s you.”

  Dylan pulls his cellphone out, “I’ll call her.”

  He walks out of the room and Shriller nudges me, “You think the missus will let him go?”

  “It’s Brooke he’s married to. She may be the coolest chick I’ve ever met.”

  He nods, “That’s true.”

  Dylan walks back into the lounge, joined by Luke. “Alright, I’ll go out for a little bit.”

  Shriller is giddy with excitement, “Hell yeah!” He turns to Luke, “You need to turn twenty-one already, man. Although if you want to go, they can stamp your little hand so they know they can’t serve ya.”

  I laugh, “Yeah, you can be our DD.”

  “Yeah, fuck that. I’m meeting Hannah in Topeka for dinner. See you assholes later.”

  He doesn’t waste any more time with us and is out of here.

  Shriller sits back down on the couch, “Damn, that’s just not right. He can’t even buy drinks legally, and he’s already practically married.”

  Dylan leans against the counter, in front of the dishwasher, “Leave him alone, he’s happy with her.”

  I add in, “Yeah, she definitely has a positive effect on Luke.”

  Shriller sits up excitedly, “Alright, enough about that. Where are we going?”

  I take a drink of coffee, “Your call.”

  Dylan agrees and we head out to grab a bite to eat before hitting a club downtown.

  After dinner we pull up in the parking garage, Dylan and Shriller in his car. I follow in my own. I’ve been out with Shriller enough times to know we need two cars in case one of us finds a chick and bails.

  And if we get too fucked up we take a cab, but usually it’s my truck that gets left behind. Since I’m in my GTO, I can guarantee that I won’t be getting shitfaced tonight.

  We walk into the fucking packed club. Shriller is in front tonight and it doesn’t take long before a bouncing bunch of girls run up.

  The lead girl is screeching, “Oh my God! You are Adam Shriller, the dirt track racer! I love you!”

  Oddly enough this happens a lot. They don’t get a lot of “celebrities” around here and Shriller is a hometown hero. He grins, “Well, I always have time for a fan.”

  She giggles and twirls her hair on her finger. “Oh my God, you are even hotter in person.” She looks back at Dylan and me, “And damn, you travel with quite the entourage.”

  That’s something I’ve never been called before.

  Dylan and I both roll our eyes at this chick. She’s hot, but I don’t have any patience for this shit tonight.

  She focuses back on Shriller, “So do you guys want to join us?”

  A tall brunette behind her is begging me to notice her and stares directly at me when she says, “Yeah, we would love that.”

  I nod toward the bar, “Why don’t you ladies find us in a little while.” I smack Shriller on the chest, “Let’s go get a drink.”

  Dylan and I are already heading to the bar when I hear Shriller apologizing for us and then jogging back up to us, “What the fuck, Jax? They were making it easy tonight.”

  “Pace yourself man, we just got here.”

  We grab a couple of beers and find a table to sit down. I look around the club while sipping a beer, and Dylan who has been pretty quiet since we left the shop starts in, “So nothing happened today?”


  Shriller groans, “No, come on man, just because you can’t get laid doesn’t mean you have to stop our fun. Let’s have a good time.”

  He’s still looking me dead in the fucking eyes, ex
pecting his answer, “No. Nothing fucking happened. Nothing will happen. We’ve been through this and you said that you trusted me.”

  “Right, that was before you spent all fucking day with her.”

  And almost kissed her. Fuck, I feel like shit lying to him, but it’s the partial truth. Technically nothing happened.

  Shriller speaks up, “Hey, she’s fucking hot. Can you blame him?”

  I glare at Shriller, “Don’t help me, man.”

  He smirks, holding his hands up in surrender and I look back over at Dylan. “We went to pick up the grill like I said and then ran a couple errands before I dropped her back off at her house.”

  “Errands? Who the fuck are you?”

  Good point. “Look, man, don’t worry about it.” And then I see a sight before me that I really fucking wish I didn’t. I hang my head, and then look up and nod in that direction, “Besides you have bigger fish to fry.”

  He looks irritated and then glances behind him before jumping off the barstool.

  Shriller is obviously confused, “What the fuck is going on?”

  I move off of my barstool, “Cassie’s here. Come on.”

  “Oh shit.”

  We walk over to where Cassie Monroe is being lectured by Dylan in the middle of the club. She’s eighteen now, but this kid is troubled. And she is still a kid.

  She seems to be alone for the moment and dressed in a dress that is way too fucking short and paired with fuck me heels. Not good.

  Dylan is pissed, “What the fuck is going on with you, Cassie? I swear we get you straightened out and then you are right back to it.”

  She folds her arms, “I’m not doing anything wrong.”

  “Really, it’s a fucking school night and you are supposed to be at home. Instead you snuck out to a club.” Dylan points to her right hand that contains a glass of what damn sure looks like alcohol. “And I’m guessing that’s not fucking juice. What do you have a fake ID or something?”

  Cass rolls her eyes, “Dylan, it wasn’t that long ago that Luke found your fake ID in your room.”

  “That’s it, we are going home. You are so fucking grounded.”