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Standstill Page 14

  We just had no idea.

  Almost three years later

  “I’m not sure what the hell this spice is? Why do you need it again?” I whine in the middle of the grocery store. It’s not cute, but I don’t care. I can’t find this fucking thyme shit.

  Garrett grabs the list, and I smile at the gold band around his finger. We’ve been married for almost a year now, and things haven’t really changed.

  We still bicker ridiculously, and he gives me shit. We’re both completely and totally in love with each other.

  “Thyme, Ash. How the fuck have you never heard of thyme before?”

  I shrug my shoulders and continue to search through the spice aisle. “It’s spelled wrong.”

  He laughs and shakes his head at me as he, too, searches for his mystery spice. And right when I finally spot it, I bump into a stranger and quickly apologize. My eyes widening in horror when I realize it’s not really a stranger at all. “Archer?”

  He smiles back at me, no trace of anger. “Hey, Ashlyn. I thought that was you.”

  “Holy shit. How are you?”

  I notice a ring on his finger and cock an eyebrow in surprise. His grin is radiant as he speaks, “I’m good. Really fucking good.” He holds up his left hand, giving me a better look at the simple wedding ring. “Married.”

  “I see that. To who?” There’s no feeling of jealousy in me. None. Just happiness. I want nothing but happiness for him.

  He nods to a beautiful woman standing at the end of the aisle, her dark, red hair is long and braided and her t-shirt protrudes in the belly area with a beautiful bump, while she holds the hand of a blond toddler who is jumping up and down. “She started working at the café shortly after you and I broke up.”

  Garrett joins my side and shakes hands with Archer. “That’s fucking awesome, man.”

  Archer beams as he looks over at his little family. “Yeah. She was exactly what I needed. Single and not in love with her best friend.” He smiles, and Garrett laughs easily, wrapping his arm over my shoulder and kissing my temple.

  “Ouch.” I say, looking at Archer but sporting a smile because it’s funny now. “I’m happy you found peace.”

  He laughs at that as the little boy runs to him from the other end of the aisle, and his mom joins us. Archer wraps his arm around her waist. “I don’t know about peace, but I’ve never been happier in my life. And in all seriousness, it was just so fucking simple. The easiest thing I’ve ever experienced. She was single, and I asked her out. We dated, became obsessed with each other. I proposed. She said yes, and that was fucking it. We were married without a hitch. No drama. No heartache. Just plain and simple love.”

  His wife smiles, shaking her head at the simplified version of their love story, but then nods her head in agreement. “That’s pretty much exactly how it happened.”

  Archer looks at his wife, completely and totally in love with her. It’s obvious before he makes quick introductions. His wife is truly lovely, and it’s funny how they seem to have their own language, not even having to speak but knowing what the other is thinking. I just met her and am seeing them as a couple for the first time, but it’s that apparent. He found his soulmate in this one. Archer nods at me, looking down at my wedding ring. “I’m so glad you two figured things out.”

  “Everything is still a little chaotic, but really great.” Garrett says to Archer, who nods his head in silent approval.

  “Well, we have to get going. Annual dinner and all.” I say holding up the shopping list.

  Archer nods. “Yeah. It’s weird, I was thinking about you guys today.”

  “You remember the anniversary?” I ask, surprised.

  He nods his head, holding both of his son’s hands as the child begins getting impatient and ready to leave. “Yeah, I was a part of that for little bit there.” His eyes meet Garrett’s briefly. “I guess it stuck with me.”

  I smile, happy because even if he never knew Paige, she had an impact on his life.

  We say our goodbyes, and we finish our shopping and walk out to the car. “Gotta hurry if I want to get the chicken done in time,” Garrett says as he buckles up and puts the car into drive.

  “You are so domesticated these days.”

  “Damn straight.” He grins happily. “And I’m really fucking glad Archer is happy.”

  I nod my head. “I knew he would be.”

  He chuckles with disbelief. “I still like that fucker.” It’s so funny to me because Garrett likes so few people.

  I laugh at that, “Maybe we should invite them over for dinner sometime.”

  He doesn’t argue. It’s strange, but I could actually see us all becoming friends someday.

  Who knew?

  Emma runs around the table with her little brother, Max, following after her, stumbling, but keeping up. Erin tells them to be careful and then looks over at Ash. “So, when are you two gonna have one of your own, huh?”

  Reed chuckles, and Ashlyn looks over at me, a hopeful sparkle in her eyes. “Soonish?”

  I nod my head happily. I can’t wait to make babies with her. “Soonish sounds pretty damn good to me.”

  We’ve been talking about having kids a lot lately, and she plans to go off the pill next month.

  I raise a wine glass and look up at the sky above. “To Paige. We miss you, and we’ll see you again someday.” There’s no guilt inside me anymore. I can say her name freely without a stabbing pain in my chest.

  Erin and Reed raise their glasses, smiling at that as Ash takes my hand in hers and raises her glass with the other. “We love you.”

  It’s a simple toast because not much else needs to be said. We’ll always think about Paige. But when I kiss my wife afterward, there’s only fulfilling happiness. No ache.

  I know without a doubt, Ashlyn is exactly who I’m supposed to be with. I love her wholeheartedly, and she’s the only one who lives inside me.

  She’s the love of my life and the only one I want to experience every second of it with, floating happily through this life at our own pace and never standing still.


  Note from the Author

  Thank you so much for reading Standstill. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. And I’m so excited because it really is a standalone. I feel like Garrett and Ashlyn’s story is complete. Erin and Reed are awesome, but they’ve already had their love story. And Archer . . . Well, I really loved Archer, and believe me, even some of my betas were like, maybe he could have his own book. But at the end of the day, Archer is a simple character. To me, he deserved a simple, happy love story. And you all know I’m not about that when I write.

  These characters absolutely consumed me. Every free second I had, I was writing these two. Their story was so raw and real to me. Letting fear rule your life and being afraid to go with what you truly want? Yeah, been there. I’m not sure there are many people who haven’t experienced that at least once.

  I share a kinship with these two, being an avoider myself. I’m someone who will procrastinate and put things off when it’s for myself like none other. So yeah, I felt close to them. And I needed to write their story. I don’t think it’s ever too late to go after your dreams.

  Next, I’m writing Logan Davis/Adamson’s story. And let me tell you, I’m really excited about his story. He’s such a broken, little douchebag. I can’t wait! That story should be a lot of fun. And by fun, I mean filled with angst and heartache.

  If this is your first book of mine, thank you for giving my words a try. And if you liked what you read, please check out my other books listed below and followed by a couple of previews.

  Monroe Family Series


  https:// 2HGtpd4


  https:// 2Ks9jW2


  https:// 2jgKXSB


  https:// 2HY63mK


  https:// 2jhAOVV

>   Undone

  https:// 2jhARRB


  https:// 2jgHFi8


  https:// 2CSf9iJ


  https:// 2NPYP31


  https:// 2VJxsvW

  Adamson Family Series


  https:// 2KksXCq


  https:// 2wEjcNs


  https:// 2XMIrGP


  The Road Back Home Series

  Back to You

  https:// 2J5Dxxz

  Back to Him

  The Hearts of Hollis Series (Co-written with J.L. Leslie)

  Marking Madden

  https:// 2QkFgGh

  Besting Brady

  https:// 2SETjTE

  The Hearts of Hollis Series (Co-written with J.L. Leslie)

  Marking Madden

  https:// 2QkFgGh

  Besting Brady

  https:// 2SETjTE

  A Special Thanks

  I’m probably going to forget someone, but I have so many people to thank. It takes a freaking village to publish a book! I want to thank my sister-in-law, Alyssa, for your love and support, and happy birthday month! Love you and see you soon! Thank you so much Jeanna for always being there and telling me I’m awesome, when you are, in fact, the awesome one. Not to get too personal, but I thought about you both a lot when I was writing this book. You’re both so awesome, and I know your soulmates are out there, along with your dream jobs. Never stop searching for that or going after what you want. You’re both incredible and so very worth it.

  Thank you so much for what I call my team of assholes, Ari, Emma, and Elle. I freaking adore you ladies. I don’t know what I would do without our chats or you cheering me on. I’m so lucky to have your support, and I know it.

  Thank you to my beta team for keeping me in check and being honest with me. I know I’m in good hands with you ladies.

  Thanks also to every single member of Nicole’s Novelties! I love that group so much, and it is definitely my happy place.

  Thank you, Dena, my editor and friend, for once again putting up with a ridiculous timeline. Thank you so much, Veronique, for making another beautiful cover. Thank you to Elizabeth for formatting and making my books so beautiful.

  And last, but not least, I want to thank my family. My mom, my dad, my sister, my husband, and my girls. They will never read these words (I don’t think), but you all keep me grounded and help me strive toward being better every single day. My mom and dad lost a dear friend of theirs right after high school, and they still celebrate his birthday and mourn his death on the anniversary every year, even thirty years later. Grant will never be forgotten, just like Paige.

  I’m grateful to everyone who gives my books a chance. It’s almost unfathomable to me that I gain more and more readers with each release. I am so thankful to every single reader. Thank you for reading my words.

  Prologue of UNSOCIAL


  Joy rolls her perfect, naked body off mine after riding me for the last thirty minutes. She has a satisfied grin plastered across her face and says in an equally satisfied voice, “Wow, Dylan, that was so worth the wait.” Now’s when I should be feeling pretty smug. In hindsight, the decision to fuck her was probably a colossal mistake, but what’s done is done. Now I need to figure out how to get the hell out of here with as little drama as possible. Joy works as a receptionist at my restoration and repair shop, and I’ve just broken one of many of my hookup rules. It’s my number one rule: don’t fuck anyone from work. I don’t need a lawsuit, and I know I need to handle this delicately. I’m not interested in being with her other than this one time. Just another of my rules: never fuck anyone twice.

  I have to defend my stupidity here before you start handing down judgment. I’ve had the day from hell, which started with a new employee fucking up the color of paint on a ‘69 Camaro. Shit progressed to being bitched out by a snobby asshole who sent his car up from Dallas for restoration. Apparently, it wasn’t what he had imagined it would be.

  Instead of arguing with him, knowing I had taken every note he told me and the car was perfect, I told him the guys would redo it at no cost to him.

  Fortunately, this type of thing rarely happens in our shop. We have an impeccable reputation. To top off my day, one of my best detailers quit because he got into it for the hundredth time with one of the mechanics. Why they were even around each other, I have no idea. We have a fucking huge garage.

  So, as I was heading out after work, badly in need of a drink and a hot, warm body to end this day on a high note, Joy decided to make things easier. She knew I had a bad day and gave me her sexiest smile. She hasn’t been shy with her flirting from day one. When she asked me if I wanted to get a drink, it became a done deal. I knew I shouldn’t have, but she was sexy, and I wanted an escape from the clusterfuck my day had been.

  So, like a fucking idiot I said yes, and now here we are in her tiny apartment, with me trying to figure out an escape route.

  I get up to get rid of the condom. Yes, another rule, and I’ll never be too liquored-up or stupid to break that one. I need to pick up my shit and get the hell out of here. Next to her bed, my phone is flashing, letting me know I have a text message. I can work with this. I’ve used this exit strategy countless times. I’ve several missed calls from Jackson, my roommate, business partner, and always my best wingman whether he knows it or not, and right now he’s going to fly me out of here.

  Joy climbs behind me and starts kissing my neck. “Wanna go for round two?”

  I stare at my phone, wondering why there are so many phone calls from Jax. He rarely calls me since we live and work together. I’m distracted and totally uninterested. “Uh, sorry. I really can’t. I need to leave.”

  “Why? You could stay the night, and we could go into work together tomorrow. Easy, since we’re going to the same place.”

  Oh, hell no. And what the fuck up is with her voice? I swear it wasn’t that whiny before. “Jackson’s been calling, and I need to see what’s up.”

  She’s nodding like she understands, but disappointment is in her eyes. I’ve seen that look on all the chicks I’ve banged as I’m walking out.

  I don’t consider myself an asshole since I make sure they’re satisfied. That’s the nice guy in me. Another rule is that I don’t hang out for the sun to rise. “Just call him and see what’s up.”

  I continue dressing. “Nope, I’ve got to get going. He may need me at the shop.”

  She’s sitting on the bed. I can practically see the wheels turning in her head. “Dylan, is this something you and Jax have worked out to get you out of one-night stands? I’m not stupid, I know your reputation.”

  Then why the fuck are you wondering what I’m doing? Of course, I can’t say this. Goddamn, tequila. Now I try to make her feel better without leading her on. “I swear, Jax has called me several times, and he never does that. I need to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She stands up, completely naked and wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her overly large, fake tits against my chest. Right before her lips touch mine, I turn my head, and they land on my jaw. I don’t kiss, and I guess she hasn’t picked up on that fact. It’s too personal and gives off the wrong impression. “Yes, you will.” I think she tried to purr. Was that supposed to be sexy?

  Shit! If this goes south, Jax will kick my ass. I decide to wait until I get home to talk to Jax and just to get the hell out now.

  When I walk into our living room, Jax is propped in the corner of our sectional with his laptop. “Bout time you got home. Did you get my messages?”

  “Yeah, I was busy. What’s up?”

  He shoots me a questioning look I choose
to ignore. I’m not bringing up tonight’s stupidity unless it’s necessary. “You’ve got a message on the landline from the Overland Park Police Department.”

  “What the fuck? Did they say what they wanted?”

  He shakes his head. “No. Just left a number. It’s still on the machine. You have a warrant or something?”

  Funny guy. “Fuck you, I haven’t been in Kansas for three years.”

  He shrugs and goes back to whatever the hell he’s doing on his laptop. Jax is the numbers guy for our business. I’m the people guy. We work like the well-oiled machines we trick out for our extremely rich clients that, in turn, make sure we’re rich. Win, win. Jax is a mountain with tattoos and intimidating as hell. I’m big with tattoos too, but my awesome looks and charm bring in customers, not to mention plenty of pussy. I’m on the customer relations side of the business because Jax has zero tolerance for bullshit, and crazy as it seems, I feed off the bullshit.

  Luckily, we’ve got some seriously wicked mechanics and body restoration specialists, making our garage the most successful in Oklahoma. We’ve become quite fucking wealthy in the last few years. I go to the kitchen and grab the landline to get the number, then head to my room. I dial the 913 phone number and wonder what the actual fuck the Overland Park Police Department wants with me. “Overland Park Police Department. How may I direct your call?”

  “My name is Dylan Monroe. I have a message to call Detective Morrison.”