Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Page 18
It’s a quaint, two-bedroom condo.
The living room has a soft, comfortable beige couch and matching recliner. The coffee table is a beautiful oak wooden one with a matching television stand.
The master bedroom is equipped with a queen-sized bed and gorgeous armoire. The bathrooms both have floral shower curtains and bright, feminine colors.
The kitchen isn’t all stainless steel like the other ones. It has black, shiny appliances with granite countertops. The dining room has a nice black, painted table with matching chairs.
“I love this.”
Michelle looks at me, her mouth agape, “Really? That’s wonderful!”
“Yes, it’s perfect. Nice and cozy.”
She seems to cringe at that word again, but manages a smile. “That’s good news, Charlotte. It has a month to month lease option that I’m sure will be convenient, in case this separation doesn’t last very long.”
Another one of my husband’s supporters. “Okay. When is it available?”
“Today, you can move in as soon as you sign the lease.” She pats her folder, “Which I have a copy of.”
“Fantastic. I’ll take it.”
After we sign the papers, she hands me the key and drops me off back at my car.
Instead of driving back to Jackson’s right away, I go inside the coffee shop.
I could move in today.
It would probably be best.
The coffee shop reminds me of the first meeting with Jackson about my car. That seems like a lifetime ago, but in reality it was less than two months ago.
I get my coffee to go and then pick up some small moving boxes before driving back to Jackson’s townhouse. The place that became one of my favorite places to be in such a short time.
Jackson isn’t home when I get back. He added to my note that he went to work.
I’m going to miss the notes.
I go upstairs and pack three boxes of my new clothes and load them into my car, because they aren’t very heavy.
I contemplate leaving a note for Jackson and leaving right then, but I know in my heart that I owe him more than that.
He’s been so caring since we met, and I want to make sure we stay friends.
However, I do leave to pick up barbecue for dinner and bring it back. I set the table and wait for Jackson to arrive after work.
When he finally gets home it’s a little after seven. He looks wary after last night and I can’t blame him.
I’m sitting at the dining room table when he walks in.
“No swim tonight?”
I shake my head and answer, “No, Jackson, I think we should talk.”
He sits down like he’s been dreading this all day, “Okay.”
“I’m so sorry about last night.”
His bewildered look says he wasn’t expecting me to say that for some reason. “Why are you sorry?”
“Because I... I kissed you when you were baring your soul. It was so insensitive.”
He rubs his temples, “Charlotte, we were just talking and then we kissed. We are adults, it happens. I’m sorry that I pushed you away.”
“No, you did the right thing. You’re right. I’m confused and I have no idea what I want.”
He drops his hand to the table, playing with the plate in front of him, “It won’t happen again.”
That thought saddens me and I blurt out, “I’m moving out.”
“What? When?”
“I met with my realtor today. She actually found an amazing condo. I’m going to move in after dinner.”
He looks a little rattled by my news, “Just like that, you’re gone?”
“Not gone, it’s five minutes away. I really think it’s for the best. It’s just hard to be in the same house.”
He nods his head slowly, he’s processing this, “Do you have to go tonight? Can’t it wait until tomorrow?”
Stay strong, Charlotte. You made this decision with a clear head before being in his overwhelmingly sexy, presence. “Yes. I think it would be best for both of us.”
“Right. Whatever you think is best.” He softens his tone a little and adds, “Do you need any help?”
“I think I’ll be okay. I don’t have very much to move.”
We eat our dinner together in silence, and then load the dishwasher together. All while I’m feeling like this may be the last time.
When the kitchen is clean from dinner, I run upstairs and do a final check of the guest room. I didn’t hear Jackson follow me up the stairs, but I can feel him behind me before I even turn around.
He’s standing in the doorway. He takes up the entire doorway.
“You don’t have to go tonight.”
I want to stay.
“I should.”
He walks closer to me. I shiver at his closeness, remembering the way he felt beneath me last night. His kiss engulfed me, made everything feel like it was going to be okay.
Then it was over, and he was pushing me away all over again.
“I won’t keep you then.”
My face drops as he backs away from me. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
He laughs at that, “Anytime, Charlotte. You know we still need to pick out a stereo system for that car of yours. Almost everything else is taken care of.”
I smile it’s a peace offering, and it’s a good one. “I’ll come into the shop Monday, if that’s okay?”
After that, I grab my purse and drive to my new condo.
It’s the first time I’ve ever lived alone in my life. It’s terrifying, but exciting at the same time.
When I walk into my new home, I immediately unpack my boxes into my closet and armoire in my bedroom. After that, I kick back in my recliner in the living room.
I miss being at Jackson’s, but having my own place is a close second.
Monday, I make the familiar drive to Tricked. I’m greeted happily by Carolyn who tells me to go on into Jackson’s office.
He’s sitting at his desk on the phone, but gestures for me to come in.
I do, taking my usual spot and wait for his phone call to end.
When it does, he hangs up and smiles. “Hey. How’s the new place?”
“It’s great. It’s so homey, I love it.”
“That’s good, I’m glad.”
He seems to really mean that. “So, can I see my car?”
He grins, “If you want to, but are you sure you don’t want to see it all at once?”
I think about that, the anticipation is killing me, but I think I would like to wait. I sigh before I add, “I suppose I can wait a little longer.”
“Luckily this is about the last thing that needs to be finished. It should be completed by next week.”
I beam, that’s great news. “I can’t wait. I’m excited to drive it.”
We go over the possible stereo systems for my car and finally find one that suits me perfectly.
When we are finished with my choice, an awkward goodbye ensues. I’m not sure what to say. It feels like the end.
I’ve moved out, and now my car is nearly finished.
“I’ll call you when it’s done, so I can drop it off.”
“That sounds like a great plan.” I stand with my hands clasped and fidgeting with my fingers. “Maybe you can take a tour of my condo.”
He nods, “Sounds good. See ya then.”
With that, I leave and go back to my new place. I am unable to shake the memories of my short time living with Jackson.
I haven’t talked to Jackson for five days and it feels like an eternity. It’s Friday afternoon, and I’m sure he’s just been busy all week at work. We aren’t living under the same roof anymore, so it’s really not necessary to talk every day.
When I hear my doorbell ring for the first time since I moved in, I jump up from my living room chair and bolt to the door. I’m unsure of who it could be, but foolishly hoping it’s Jackson.
My hopes are c
rushed when I open the door and see Nicholas standing there. He’s of course wearing his usual attire, but has an arrangement of flowers in his hand and a smile on his face.
“Charlotte, it’s good to see you. It’s been too long sweetheart.”
I cringe when he calls me sweetheart and fold my arms feeling vulnerable, “How did you know where I live?”
“We have the same realtor. It wasn’t that difficult. Aren’t you at least a little bit excited to see me?”
In hindsight, I realize I should have hired a different realtor. “Why are you here?”
He sighs, but doesn’t lose his temper. “I was hoping that you would join me for an early dinner.”
“Why would I do that?”
He’s still staying calm. “Charlotte, we’re married. We took an oath and I take that very seriously.”
That of course strikes a nerve. He always knows how to do that to me. “I don’t know.”
“It’s just dinner. We’ll go to the club.”
I shake my head, “I don’t want to go there. If I go with you, I want to go somewhere laid back.”
I can see he’s not pleased, but then he smiles happily. “That’s a great idea. It’s always good to be out amongst voters.”
I nearly roll my eyes at that, but then stop myself. At least he’s trying to compromise. “Alright, let me grab my purse.”
He surprisingly doesn’t say anything about what I’m wearing—which is a pair of jeans and a simple but classy top. He hands me the flowers. I thank him before putting them in a vase in the kitchen. I grab my purse off the kitchen table and go back to him.
He waited patiently outside my front door the entire time.
I lock my door and we walk out to his car. Then he drives to a quaint bar and grill, not too far from my new house.
The hostess seats us and hands us paper menus, which I’m sure drives Nicholas insane.
"So, have you ever been here before?"
I shake my head no. "No, but it smells really good."
He nods, “It sure does.”
This feels strange—he’s being so agreeable and nice. I can’t help but to think that I’m being manipulated.
“So, how do you like your new condo?”
“I love it—it’s simple.”
“That’s nice, Charlotte. I’m glad that you are happy.”
I have been married to him for seven years. I think part of me is always going to care for him. "How've you been, Nicholas?
His face drops, “Miserable. I miss you. I have been keeping myself busy with work.”
I nod my head, that’s not surprising. “That’s good, your work is very important to you.”
He takes my hand in his, “You are important to me, too. Charlotte I never would have mentioned having a baby if I didn’t think you would love being a mother.”
I pull my hand back, “I don’t know if I want to be a mother, but I do know I don’t want to become a mother just for a career move.”
“I know, Charlotte. I don’t blame you, and I’m sorry it was presented that way.”
I need him to stop talking about this. It’s confusing to me, and that’s the last thing I need right now. “So, have you been back to D.C. this month?”
His right eye twitches with annoyance, but he still holds a smile. “Yes, once for a week. I’ve been trying to give you space, so I didn’t call to let you know.”
“I appreciate that.”
After that, the conversation moves more toward the events at the country club and how much Karen and Gloria miss seeing me there.
I can’t say the same.
When we are finished eating, Nicholas pays the tab and drives me back to my condo. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”
He smiles and opens his car door, “I’ll walk you up.”
I guess I can allow that.
He walks me to my door and then gives me a kiss on the cheek. I flinch when his lips make contact with my skin. “I do hope that you will consider another dinner soon. We really should talk about this, Charlotte.”
“I’ll think about it, but I don’t want to rush into anything. I’m enjoying the separation and I don’t say that to be cruel. I say that because there is a lot I need to figure out.”
He nods, “Sure. I think that’s fair.”
Does he really?
“Have a good night, Charlotte.”
“Goodnight, Nicholas.”
He saunters back out to his car, and I watch him back out of my driveway. I have no idea right now if he meant anything he said. He seems fairly honest, but I’ve been tricked before.
My eye catches a shimmering, metallic, deep purple Mustang parked two condos down. It's beautiful.
Oh my God, Jackson is here. In my car.
Did he see Nicholas leave?
Chapter 30
I haven’t seen or spoken to Charlotte for five days, and it has felt like an eternity.
When my guys informed me this afternoon that her car was finished, I decided to drop it off at her new place to surprise her.
I had parked her car a couple of condos down and planned to walk up to her door and walk her to the car.
Everything went to shit when I saw her and her husband outside of her front door. The douchebag was kissing her!
Okay, it was just on the cheek, but still…What the fuck?
I start the engine and just as I’m about to bail, we connect eyes.
She sees me here and if I leave right now, I’ll look like a fucking physco.
I decide to park in her driveway instead. I climb out of the driver’s seat.
Charlotte walks over to the car. She is touching the front fender with her delicate hand, checking out the fucking sweet paint job.
“Jackson, it’s beautiful.”
Why the hell was he here? “They just finished it today, so I thought I would surprise you. I should have called first.”
She waves that off, still not able to keep her eyes of the Mustang. “Don’t be silly. We are friends, so you can stop by anytime. This is a wonderful surprise.”
I need to get out of here. I have no right to question her about spending time with her own husband, but I can’t breathe. The fucking jealousy is eating away at me. The need to ask her why he was here is tearing me up inside. I’m not this kind of man.
I hand her the keys, “We can figure out all the paper work next week. It’s all yours.”
Her face drops, “You aren’t going to stay? Show me all of the features of the car, maybe even take it for test drive with me?”
Fuck, why can’t I tell her no?
Lie. Say you have plans. “Of course.”
She smiles as she opens the door and climbs in.
I walk around to the other side of the car. I'm still trying to compose myself, before I get into the car with her.
She hasn’t explained why her dipshit husband was here, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to bring it up first.
She backs out of the drive, and I focus the conversation on the car. As she drives down the streets of Overland Park; I tell her about the custom seats, the stereo system, all of the things she helped pick out as we built this Mustang together.
She still hasn’t said a word about Senator Dickhead.
“Wow, it drives like a dream.”
I smile at her excitement. It’s always good to see Charlotte happy and this car has made her downright giddy, “Wait ‘til you get above 30mph.”
She grins and pulls onto the interstate, she accelerates slowly.
“Charlotte, this car has a lot of horsepower under the hood. You have a clear space. Don’t you want to see what it can do?”
She looks slightly nervous, but finally applies more pressure to the gas pedal and we shoot forward.
She laughs and her face is full of exhilaration. “Jackson, I think you may have been right about fast cars being freeing. This is amazing.”
For a several moments, we're connected. There's a palpable electricity in the air from being in the car that I built for her.
Unfortunately, we run into heavy traffic after only fifteen minutes on the road. She is forced to brake and decides to drive back to her condo.
Despite being parked back on the driveway, neither of us attempts to move from our seats. She still doesn’t mention her husband.
Is she hoping I didn’t see him?
“Thank you for going with me on the test drive, Jackson.”
“No problem, Charlotte. I’m glad you like it.”
She shakes her head, “No, I love it. It’s exactly what I pictured and more.”
Fuck it. I look straight ahead out of the windshield. Avoiding eye contact with Charlotte, I painfully whisper, “Are you going back to him?”
That is the first time in my life that I’ve lost at the game of chicken.
I slowly glance over at Charlotte, who is gripping the steering wheel even though she’s no longer driving, “No. He showed up here and asked me to go to dinner with him. I didn’t even give him my address.”
“How did he know where you live?”
“We have the same realtor. She really likes him, so I’m sure he charmed it out of her.”
“That’s kind of fucked up.”
She nods, “You’re telling me.”
“But you still went to dinner with him?”
I sound like I’m accusing her of something and I need to check my tone, “He’s my husband, I had to face him sometime. I did make him go to Tanner’s.”
I laugh, “The place where they call chicken strips, chicken lips?”
She giggles, “That’s the place. It was really good food, but you should have seen his face when he looked at the menu.”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly his style.”
“No, not at all, but I enjoyed it. And since he wanted to go out to dinner with me, he had to do something I wanted for once.”
She’s starting to become really independent and it’s fucking awesome to watch.
“You aren’t moving back in with him?
“No, but he wanted me to. I told him I’m enjoying the separation.”
I chuckle at that, “Damn, you really said that?”
“Yes, and I meant it.”
She drops her hands from the steering wheel. I want to kiss her, she wants me to kiss her, but I know I shouldn’t. I’m supposed to let her figure everything out on her own, not complicate things for her.