Restrictions Page 6
She huffs and then motions for me to lead the way, which I do as she tucks her phone into her back pocket, and we go outside, taking a seat on the lawn furniture.
“Well, holy shit. You decided to join us.” Sawyer kicks back in one of the reclining lounge chairs with a beer in hand.
“Just for a moment.” Viv tucks her hair behind her ear, her posture straight and rigid with nerves.
Bianca turns music on her phone and places it on a table and takes a swig of vodka, although I think she’s already been into some type of alcohol or something before she came because her pupils are fucking huge. “So, Viv, long time no see. What have you been up to?”
There’s an edge in Bianca’s whiney voice, and I can tell she despises Viv the way her beady little eyes scan over her. Vivienne’s eyes dart to mine as I sit next to her and then back to Bianca. “Not much. Just school.”
“Right. And the whole motherhood thing.” Bianca shakes her head from side to side, taking another drink from the vodka bottle. “That has to be a fucking handful.”
Viv is uncomfortable with the attention on her, and I see her picking at her fingernails with her hands in her lap. “Yeah, but it’s worth it.”
“I couldn’t fucking do it. You’re like superwoman.” My eyes narrow at Bianca as she sways to the music and looks over at Vivienne like a bug she wants to squash. Superwoman was not said in a complimentary way. “I mean, don’t you miss having a social life?” She laughs coldly. “Not that you had much of one before.”
“Shut the fuck up, Bianca.” I’ve already had enough of this bitch.
She feigns innocence, looking over at me, her hand moving over the top of her large, fake tits that are barely covered by the tank top she’s wearing. “What? I’m just saying she’s fucking impressive. College and a baby.” Her hateful gaze moves back to Viv. “But seriously? Don’t you miss your freedom? Being able to date? You have to be like, so fucking horny.”
“Bianca.” My eyes lock onto her, shooting fire in her direction. “Shut. Up.”
Vivienne stands up. “You know, I should actually go back in.”
“Don’t leave, Viv.” I look up at her, wishing it was Bianca that was leaving and not her.
“Yeah, Viv. Don’t leave. We’re all adults here. We can talk about this. I mean how long has it been since you got laid? It has to have been a long time.”
Vivienne’s eyes meet mine briefly, and I swallow the massive lump in my throat, thinking about her revealing she hasn’t had sex since she and my brother conceived Sebastian. And that was her first time ever.
“How the fuck is that any of your goddamn business?” I glare over at Bianca as Sawyer shakes his head, laughing.
“Oh relax. I’m just asking.” She kicks her shoulder up coyly. “You know all about the last time I got laid, Ash. We don’t have to have secrets here.”
What the fuck was I thinking? Clearly my dick is a dumbass. “It’s been days since you got laid? What’s the matter, Bianca, losing your touch?”
I see Viv flinch, putting the pieces together, and for whatever reason, I don’t like her knowing I’ve fucked this vapid bitch.
“I think you know my touch is just as good as ever, considering how fast you came.”
“Oh shit.” Sawyer laughs and takes another drink.
“Oh please, don’t embarrass yourself by lying, Bianca.” I stand, looking into her hate-filled eyes. “I had to squeeze my eyes closed so fucking tight, I wasn’t sure they were ever going to open again and give my cock a nice pep talk to finally fucking finish.”
And go back to the chick-only-wearing-a-tie-lying-on-my-bed fantasy from the wedding. And unfortunately for me, that chick was Viv. I tell myself it was only because she was there when the dumbass fantasy formed in my male brain, but then I also saw the Viv-in-tight-black-leggings-on-all-fours fantasy right after that as I tried to get through fucking Bianca.
“All facts. I rarely lie.”
“Fuck you, asshole.”
Sawyer climbs up, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “Whoa, guys. Let’s relax. It’s a party.”
“I didn’t invite you fuckers.”
Bianca shrugs, swaying with Sawyer who is whispering something into her ear. She looks over at Viv. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable. I admire you.”
That’s laced in deception, no doubt.
Oh Viv, don’t fall for it.
“You fucked Colt Sterling in high school.”
Viv freezes in shock, and the vapid fucking bitch keeps going. “I mean how the hell did you do that? Everyone tried. Like fucking everyone. And then Ms. Goody Two-shoes is the one he gives it to? Fucking crazy.”
“You know what, Bianca? Get the fuck out of here.”
She looks playfully offended. “What? I’m dead serious. Everyone knew that Colt was with that foster chick, totally pussy-whipped.” She walks closer to Viv, and my entire body goes rigid. “You must have a seriously magical pussy to get him to cheat on her.”
“Get. The. Fuck. Out.” I look over at Sawyer, letting him know I’m not fucking kidding, and Nadia and Porter are already out of their seats.
Vivienne swallows, her slender neck pulling tight as Bianca spews her venom. “What did you do? Huh? How did you convince him to fuck you?”
“Get out, Bianca. I fucking mean it.” My shoulder brushes Vivienne’s as I stand directly next to her.
“You aren’t going to tell me?”
“Why do you care?” Vivienne crosses her arms, and why she’s entertaining Bianca at all is beyond me.
Bianca shrugs, acting like she doesn’t. “Thought maybe you could teach me. I mean, I tried to get him to fuck me a couple of times, but he was a tough one.” Her eyes slide to me. “Unlike some.”
“He had high standards.”
“You just insulted yourself, asshole.”
I shake my head, pursing my lips. “Nope. Just honest. My bar is clearly set a hell of a lot lower. Now get the fuck out, and don’t come back.”
She rolls her eyes, her hand snaking over my chest. “Oh, I think you’ll come back for more. I know exactly what you like.” Her eyes move back to Viv. “Unlike virginal little goody-goody types that are so repressed they probably don’t even make a sound when they’re being fucked,” she leans close to Vivienne’s face, “like a good little mouse.”
I look back as Sawyer who hooks Bianca’s arm and leads her out of the house. I watch them all go through to the front door and leave before sitting down, and Viv joins me.
“I’m so fucking sorry. I have no idea what her problem is.”
“She’s always hated me. I don’t know why either, but it’s not a problem.”
I look over at Viv and know she’s rattled. “She’s a bitch.”
“She’s pretty.”
I shake my head. “No. She’s not.”
Vivienne rolls her eyes and finally leans back into the chair, no longer sitting rigidly now that they’re gone. “She is. And looks like she’s had some work done.”
I laugh. “Fake tits and a nose job and still not fucking pretty.”
“Pretty enough for you to sleep with.” Her eyes meet mine with an honest vulnerability I like.
“I was drunk. And stupid. Really fucking stupid.” I shake my head and cover my face with my hands, and I can hear her laughing.
Viv’s voice sounds whimsical as I lean back into my chair, my hands still covering my eyes. “Well, she was right about one thing. I am definitely horny.”
What the fuck? Suddenly, I feel like I can’t fucking breathe, and my entire body goes stiff, including my treacherous, really fucking stupid cock as I drop my hands and turn to look at her, seeing her head tilted up toward the sky. “What?”
She lets her right shoulder lift and doesn’t look at all embarrassed like I had imagined she’d be. “I’m not dead.”
My throat is dry as I adjust to my
side, trying to tame my dick and hoping she doesn’t notice the effect she has on me as I look up at the sky, seeing the sun setting. “No, you’re not. I just didn’t expect that. Didn’t seem like you were interested in sex.”
“I’ve been focused on Sebastian, but I don’t know. Maybe I’ll try the dating thing sometime.”
I have the urge to discourage that but shouldn’t. I know I shouldn’t. She deserves to date and even fuck someone.
Although that thought makes me slightly sick, and I’m not sure why.
I want her to loosen up and live, right?
Why does it have to be Monday? I really hate Mondays. It’s only the second week of school, and I’m already worn out. It doesn’t help that Sebastian didn’t sleep well last night, making his way into my bed twice during the night.
And then of course, he was cranky this morning when I had to leave him.
I’m ready to go pick him up and relax. Well, as much as I’m capable of relaxing. The night Asher’s friends stopped by is still in the back of my mind. I knew them all from high school, especially Bianca, who, since junior high, loved to shoulder check me in the hallway and whisper things behind my back. What I did to her exactly I don’t know, but it’s clear she’s still pissed about whatever it is.
My cheeks heat, thinking about the things she said in front of everyone. And then like a total idiot, I blurted out loud to Ash that I am, in fact, horny.
I swear my filter is usually set to high, but Asher has a way of turning the dial down and making me open up without even trying.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” My body collides with a much larger one as we all file out of the large lecture hall, my shoulder smashing into the door as the handsome stranger apologizes.
I wave him off. “No, I’m sorry. I was distracted. You would think walking wouldn’t be that difficult.”
He smiles, and it’s a white megawatt grin in my direction. I stiffen and sweep my hair behind my ear. “No, I was distracted too. Probably not by the same thing though.”
“What were you distracted by?” I smile, surprised at myself that I asked. Am I flirting? Jesus, I’m ridiculous.
“I can’t tell you. It’s so fucking cheesy, you’ll never talk to me again.”
I study him—strong square jaw, pretty green eyes, white smile, and a large, muscular build. He’s certainly attractive. “Now you have to tell me.”
He laughs at that and shrugs. “Your eyes. They’re beautiful, and I was trying to decide exactly what color they are because they are uniquely gorgeous.” His smile widens as he playfully shrugs. “So I guess it was your fault after all.”
I laugh at that and shake my head from side to side. “You’re right, that is cheesy.”
I think we’re flirting. “I told ya, but since you made me tell you, you have to continue talking to me.”
I laugh and find my keys in my backpack, pulling them out to fidget with them in my hands. “I suppose so.”
“So, dinner then?”
I stare at him, shocked. He wastes no time. “Dinner?”
“Yeah. Food. A date? I need to study those eyes.”
“I don’t even know your name.” I’m a mother. I need to be careful and cautious. I always figured if I did start dating, I would do my research. But I have to admit this stranger has me tempted.
“I’m Vivienne.”
“So, will you go out with me this Saturday, Vivienne?”
I should say no. I mean, right? I wasn’t lying when I said I might start dating soon, but I didn’t mean right away. “Yes.”
That just came out of my mouth. He smiles and pulls his phone out. “Can I have your number? I’ll text you to find out all the details?”
I nod and ramble the numbers before waving a quick goodbye and walk out to my car. Did I really just accept? I’m going out on a date this Saturday? Me?
I pick up Sebastian, and when we get home, I’m still in a daze as he flies downstairs to his playroom and more than likely to find his uncle.
I put my stuff down on the kitchen counter and grab some water before heading downstairs to look for Sebastian. He’s playing happily in the playroom. I hear music coming from the gym and walk to the doorway, stopping when I see Asher.
He’s wearing a tight black muscle tank and shorts, covered in sweat from what appears to be an intense workout. His biceps flex tightly as he lifts a weight while lying down on the weight bench, and I stand there staring like a total sex-starved moron because holy shit.
He notices me, placing the weight back on the bar and sits up, lifting his tank top to wipe his forehead, showing way too much of his washboard abs for me to form actual words.
“Viv? You okay?”
I nod and try to wet my throat which is now completely dry, unlike my panties. Jesus. I do need to go out on a date. “Yeah.” I try to shake it off. Focus. “I’m fine. I was just wondering if you’re busy Saturday?”
He lowers his shirt and shakes his head. “No plans. Why?”
He lays back down and starts to lift again. As I watch his muscles flex, I struggle to remember why. “Um. I was wondering if you could watch Sebastian for a couple of hours.”
“Of course.” His breathing is labored as he lifts the weight above his head. “That’s part of our deal. What are you doing? Little mani/pedi?”
I laugh and lean against the door frame. “No actually . . . I have a date.”
That makes him pause his workout, placing the weight up and sitting again to face me. “A date? With who?”
“A guy from class. He just asked me today.”
His eyebrows furrow, and he looks more annoyed than I thought he would be. I mean, he’s the one who’s always telling me to loosen up. “What do you know about this guy?”
I lift my shoulders, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Not much. Just his name, but he seems nice.”
Asher stands from the weight bench and grabs a towel, using it to dry his face. “Seems nice? Really?”
“What?” I place a hand on my hip, growing irritated with his questioning. “I’m single. You and everyone else seem to think I’m uptight. Maybe a date with a handsome stranger would do me good.”
“How the fuck do you know he’s not a serial killer?”
“Really, Asher? He’s just a student, and we’re just going to dinner.”
His demeanor softens slightly, and he moves past me in the doorway, careful not to rub against me. I follow him into his room where he tosses the towel into the hamper. “Dinner, huh?”
“Yes.” I sit on the edge of his bed as he goes to his closet, grabbing a shirt. “And he’s good with the kid thing?”
My right hand nervously picks at a loose string on his comforter. “It didn’t come up.”
“What the fuck, Viv?”
Suddenly I feel completely ashamed, but it comes out as anger. “What the hell was I supposed to say? ‘Are you sure you want to go out with me knowing I’ve pushed a kid out of my vagina?’”
He looks slightly amused now and laughs. “Maybe. It’s true.”
“Not exactly a selling point.” Why didn’t I mention Baz? “All he has to do is look on social media and see that I have a kid. I’m not hiding Sebastian and never will.”
“Still probably should have told him.”
“Will you please stop? Not all guys are terrified of commitment.”
He tilts his head to the side and puffs out frustrated air as he walks closer to me, his stomach rippling and undeniably sexy. “He thinks he’s going out on a date with a twenty-one–year-old smoking hot chick. Not a twenty-one–year-old smoking hot mom. He’s gonna freak the fuck out when he finds out.”
I stand up from the bed and start to head toward the door. “You’re being an ass.”
“I’m being fucking honest. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
I spin around on my foot and look back at him. “Will you watch Sebastian or not?”
I get one cur
t nod. “Yeah.”
“Good. That’s all I need. I don’t want your opinion on my sex life.”
“That was basically nonexistent until today.”
I shrug my shoulder as my foot crosses the threshold. “Maybe that’ll change Saturday.”
I leave and find Sebastian still playing with his toys and sit down with him, hoping I’m not making a huge mistake.
I’ve been afraid to let lust and hormones cloud my judgment, so I’ve stayed away from the opposite sex since I found out I was pregnant.
But a girl can only take so much.
“Wee!” I laugh as I watch Nora’s new husband and Nora swing Sebastian on our walk around their backyard. They invited me, Asher, and Sebastian to dinner this evening and since it’s Friday I drove here after my last class.
Asher declined the invitation and has been in a mood all week, so I didn’t push it.
“Are you hungry, Sebastian?” Nora asks, and Baz takes off toward the house, followed by Tony, who catches him easily.
Nora laughs, watching her husband and grandson with joy on her face. “They are quite the pair, aren’t they?”
“Tony is great with him.”
She smiles. “Yes, he has three grandkids already and was so excited when I told him I had one.”
“You seem very happy, Nora. That’s fantastic.”
She wraps her arm around my waist as we walk leisurely toward the house. “And how are you, sweetheart? Sebastian is growing like a weed.”
“I know. He eats constantly. I swear. I don’t know how he doesn’t weigh twice what he does.”
She laughs at that, her laugh contagious and beautiful. “Well, he’s an active little thing.”
She doesn’t say “hyper” or “misbehaved” like my parents do. She seems to love my son dearly, and I’m incredibly grateful. “Yes. That he is.”
“Active is good, sweetheart. And he’s so full of life and happy. You’re doing a wonderful job.”
My heart swells in my chest, hearing the approval I’ve desperately craved my whole life. I stop, causing Nora to stop and concern to come across her pretty face.
“What’s the matter?”
I shake my head. “Nothing.” I look up toward the back deck of the massive estate and see Tony letting Sebastian inside. “Just, thank you for saying that.”