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- Nicole Dykes
Restrictions Page 2
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My parents drive me insane, but I have had help since I became a mother. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Asher pushes off the car. “Great. That’s a yes.”
“What?” He hops up on the path leading up to the front door of the house. “I didn’t say yes.”
“You did. You did it with your eyes.”
“You drive me insane.”
He just laughs easily at that, his hand moving through his thick, wavy, sandy brown locks. “I’ll see ya on moving day. Thursday, right?”
Why do I tell him things?
“Fine.” He looks pleased with himself as I move around to the driver’s side of my car. “But we need to meet before to discuss some ground rules.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waves over his shoulder. “Drive safe. Text when you get there.”
“Asher, I’m serious.”
His large hand waves me off again as he rushes up the walk, and I climb behind the wheel.
What the hell did I just do?
I pull up to the address given to me by Viv and stare in awe for just a minute from my windshield. No way this is the right house.
I mean, shit, I grew up in a bigass home like this one, but we were a family of six in the ‘burbs. This is supposed to be where we live to attend college.
I check the address again just to confirm, and yep, this is the place. It has to be worth close to a million, but the Crenshaws are worth far more. I guess Viv’s dad spared no expense on setting his baby girl and grandson up.
The house is on the outskirts of town and about five miles from campus. I lock my car and grab the duffle bag from my passenger seat, slinging it over my shoulder as I walk to the front door and ring the doorbell.
A moment later, Vivienne answers the door. I expect her to invite me in, but instead I’m met with her hand on my chest shoving me backward as she walks outside with me and closes the door behind her.
“Sebastian is napping. Luckily, you didn’t wake him with the bell.”
She’s wound so fucking tight. “Sorry. You should have sent a text.”
“He just fell asleep. Our day started at six this morning to meet the movers.” Her eyes slide to my bag, and she looks confused. “Is that all you brought?”
“Nah. The rest is out in my car, but I don’t need much.” I nod behind her at the house. “This is really the place your dad got?”
She looks slightly uncomfortable now, crossing one arm over her waist and grasping her other elbow. “Yeah, it’s a lot.”
I shrug. “Nothing we aren’t used to, I suppose. And Sebastian.”
“Yeah. I guess.” She’s gnawing on her bottom lip now, and I can see the worry ever-present on her face. “I just don’t want him to grow up spoiled.”
I laugh. “Kinda too late for that.”
She rolls her eyes and huffs. “That’s nice.”
“He’s a good kid. You have nothing to worry about.” I adjust the bag on my shoulder again. “So, can I come in or what?”
“Not yet.” Shit. “Since you’ve been conveniently busy since the wedding, we still need to go over some ground rules.”
Fuck, I was hoping she was kidding about that. Now it’s my turn to huff as I drop the bag on the stone porch and take a seat on the top step. “Let’s hear it.”
Even though it’s moving day, Viv isn’t dressed in sweats or even a t-shirt like normal people. She’s dressed in a black and white button-down and jeans, complete with heels. I wonder if she wakes up this way—with her makeup and hair polished perfectly, manicured nails. She takes a seat next to me, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. “I want this to work. Baz loves you, and I think it will be good for him, but . . .”
I turn to look at her, wearing my very casual aforementioned sweats and tee. Ready for a day of rearranging shit where she wants it and unpacking my own stuff. “But what?”
“He’s little, and he looks up to you.”
“It’s a little too late to worry about me rubbing off on him, isn’t it?”
She looks out in front of us and away from me. Definitely has a problem being authoritative. “It’s not that. No parties.”
I try not to laugh at her but fail. “Got it. I know it’s not a fucking frat house.”
“You’re a young guy in college, I’m sure there will be an urge to throw a party.”
“I actually never understood that. Why the fuck would you want to trash where you live?”
I see her process that and then seem to accept my answer. “Okay.”
“What else you got for me?”
I’m actually enjoying this. Viv is wound so fucking tight, and I’m fairly laid back unless either of my brothers are brought up. We’re very different people. “This will be your home for at least a year, so naturally you can have guests.”
The way she says this lets me know she’s talking about female guests in particular, but I can see her squirming, which, of course, I also enjoy. “Alright. Cool.”
She sighs, and I can tell she’s pissed I’m making her actually say it. “You can have women over, but they can’t be here in the morning when Sebastian wakes up. And you need to be in your room with the door locked.”
This time I do laugh.
“It’s not funny, Asher.”
I laugh again. “Got it. No fucking in the living room or on the stairs.”
She rolls her eyes, already tired of me. “It could scar him.”
“Or teach him mad skills.”
Again, her eyes roll. “Asher . . .”
“Okay. I got it, Viv. Look, I love the kid too. I’m not going to do anything to hurt him.”
She finally turns to look me in the eyes. “I know you do. That’s why I agreed to this, but I know you. We went to the same school, and even if I was in the class ahead of you, I heard plenty about you.”
Yeah, I was a little wilder than Colt. And I may have even been worse than Linc, but I’ve matured a little. Still, I’m no saint. “I’ll follow your rules. No problem. And believe me, you giving me an excuse to not have chicks stay the night and play house the morning after is not a deal-breaker.”
“You’re disgusting.”
But she’s smiling. She doesn’t mean it. “Can I move in now?”
She stands up, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a brass key. When I also stand, she hands it to me. “Yes. I’ll give you the tour.”
I follow her inside the massive home and let out a whistle as I look around the open floorplan. We start at the large foyer with a staircase heading down to the left and one heading up to the right.
I follow her up the stairs, taking the moment to notice her very nice ass that I’ve never had time to study before. Not large, but both cheeks a decent palm full, and it looks firm in those jeans.
We reach the top, and she motions with one finger to her lips for me to be quiet when we approach the first bedroom. Her voice is a whisper when she pushes the door open slightly to show me a room with dark blue walls and my nephew fast asleep on his stomach in his red racecar bed. “Baz’s room.”
I nod as she quietly closes the door and then gestures for me to follow her to the next room. It’s huge with beige walls and a large, king-sized sleigh bed with an attached master bathroom. “This is my room.”
“Nice.” I notice the tub is a jacuzzi-type with a separate glass shower and try not to picture Vivienne in here sans clothes. She’s usually hiding behind high necklines and jeans or pants. It’s hard to imagine what she looks like naked. Still, I’m a guy, and my mind goes there.
I follow her through the rest of the top floor, which has a room with a desk and futon and another room full of Sebastian’s toys, before we head down to the main level.
The kitchen, laundry room, and living room are all pretty standard, although on a large scale that rival the home I grew up in. The kitchen has double doors leading out to a covered patio area and a large underground pool. “We have to really watch Sebastian out here. I’m lookin
g into getting a gate around the pool.”
“The doors lock heading out, right?”
She nods. “Yes. There’s a deadbolt.”
“Then the biggest problem is just watching him when we bring him out, which we will.” She nods, and I can tell she’s afraid to be solely responsible for this kid, but I’m here. “It’ll be fine.”
She nods. “Okay, let’s go down to the basement.”
I follow her inside and then down the stairs. I let out another whistle when we walk down into the basement which has several doors, a pool table and bar area. “Damn, your dad went all out.”
“You have no idea.” She seems slightly annoyed as I follow her to the first door that has a code lock. I watch her push the buttons as she states it out loud. “Three-Five-Seven-Two.”
She pushes the door open, and I stand in the doorway in awe. “No fucking way.”
An indoor pool area. The pool is smaller than the one outside, but it’s still a fucking inside pool. With a hot tub attached.
“Yeah. According to my father, this way Sebastian can swim during the winter. He loves the water.”
“Your dad or Baz?”
She laughs. “Sebastian. But again, he has to be watched.”
“So don’t just toss him in and go to class?”
She’s not laughing, but she wants to. “I’m serious.”
“Okay. This is crazy.”
“I know. I shouldn’t complain, but it’s extremely excessive.”
I can’t really figure out Viv’s relationship with her parents, but it seems strained. “Your kid is going to be extremely popular.”
“That’s what every mother wants. Her kid to be the party kid.”
I laugh, and she then shows me the in-home gym and theater, which I had at my parents’ house and am thankful for the gym, for sure. Then my room, which is simple but furnished with a king-sized bed, dresser, and tv.
“This is your room, and like I said you can do whatever you want in it. I just don’t want to see or hear it.”
“You sure?” I wag my eyebrows at her, and she just brushes me off, walking out of my room and up the stairs. I again am left following behind her, admiring that ass.
“Okay. So, any questions?”
We reach the top of the stairs, and she folds her arms as she waits. “Nope. Although I do have one ground rule for you.”
She’s eyeing me, annoyed and curious. “Rule for me?”
“What?” Her perfectly manicured eyebrow shoots up.
“Once a week, you leave me with Sebastian and go do something, fucking anything, for you. I don’t care what it is. Movie. Get your nails done. Something.”
She waves me off, and I follow her into the kitchen where she pulls open the already fully-stocked fridge and starts gathering ingredients for what I’m guessing is lunch. “I don’t need that.”
“Yes. You do.” I take a seat on one of the barstools at the island in the middle of the kitchen. “You’re wound up.”
“I am not.” I stare at her until her determination fades and she sighs, placing vegetables on the counter. “Fine. I guess I can agree to that. But I do have class where I’m away from him, and I don’t want to miss anything.”
“You won’t. He’ll be fine.” I shrug. “Kid loves me. We need uncle/nephew time.”
That brings a smile to her lips, and she nods her head, starting to chop the vegetables. “That’s true. Although I don’t get it.”
I laugh, and so does she.
Yeah, I think this arrangement will work out just fine.
I laugh as Sebastian rushes to the door when he hears the doorbell. I made a healthy, delicious lunch for the first meal in our new home, but of course Asher had to balance that out with greasy pizza delivered for dinner.
Although, I’m grateful because after unpacking all day, I’m beat.
The house is great, but it’s too much. Not that my father would listen to me. He just kept telling me that if I was going to move out, I needed to let him provide a proper home for Sebastian and me.
This is way beyond proper, but I have never been able to stand up to my parents, especially after I became pregnant with Baz. Their disappointment is forever burned into my DNA.
I let them down, and they make sure I know it every time we talk. Now I’m living in their home without them.
Small victories. Although I’m still under their oppressive thumb.
We sit at the dining room table that my parents paid for, and I try to look around and find something they haven’t provided. I would love to take care of Sebastian in every sense by myself, but I’m unsure how to do that.
For now, I’m indebted to my parents, but I hope to pay them back some day.
“Yummy, yummy pizza!” Baz bites into his pizza, managing to get some of it into his face, but most of it ends up smeared all over his mouth and hands.
“Don’t get too used to it.”
Asher folds the pizza and stuffs a massive bite into his mouth. “You gotta loosen up, Viv.”
I roll my eyes at Asher’s nonchalance and nibble my own piece of pizza. “I’m not wound up as tight as you think. I just want him to eat healthy.”
“Should have gotten taco pizza because, you know,” I watch Asher shrug his impressively large shoulders, “they put lettuce on that.”
I can’t fight my laugh even though I don’t want to encourage him and shake my head as Sebastian giggles loudly. “Lettuce on pizza?”
“Yup. They put all kinds of weird sh—” He quickly catches himself. “Stuff on pizza.”
“That’s crazy.” Sebastian slaps his little knee and laughs again as he takes another bite.
I should have stripped him before dinner because the grease and tomato sauce stains are never coming out of his clothes, but he’s definitely happy.
“So where is little man going when we’re in class?”
I hand Baz a napkin and then look at Asher. “I found a great babysitter near campus. She has a high rating and is CPR certified, but I’ve scheduled all my classes on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays so I’ll be home Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
He’s so laid back. It’s like nothing bothers him.
I’m extremely nervous to leave Sebastian with a stranger, but I keep telling myself that it’s what’s best for us both. I’m graduating this year, and he’ll start school the following year. I’m going to have to get used to it sooner or later.
“I have Fridays off so really you just need Mondays and Wednesdays covered.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
He stares at me like I’m nuts. “Why do you think I’m here?”
I told myself that we were helping each other out, but he has completely shattered that. He moved in only to help me. “Asher, we aren’t your responsibility.”
His eyes slide to my son and then back to me. “I never said you were, but I’m living here. I’m going to help. You just need to let me.”
“Yeah, Mommy.”
We both look at Sebastian, who is covered in pizza sauce, and then I turn back to Asher. “Okay if you can, great. But you don’t have to.”
I don’t want anyone feeling obligated to me. He isn’t the one I got pregnant with, but he is the one who stepped up.
I know Colt would have too, and I think Asher feels saddled with the responsibility left behind by the brother he loved dearly.
“I have a lot to learn.” Asher nods over to Sebastian. “Who else better to teach me than my cool nephew?”
Sebastian is grinning wide. “I’m gonna teach you how to swim.”
Asher nods his head, playing along effortlessly. “Yeah, you are. And you’re gonna teach me how to play catch too, right?”
“I already taught you that.” Sebastian places his little hand over his face, so playfully irritated with Ash.
“Oh yeah, that’s right. Well you might have to teach me again.”
“Okay. That’s fine.” Sebastian shrugs and goes about eating his pizza. I lock eyes with Asher. He winks, and I smile because his love for Sebastian is palpable, and I’ll never stop being grateful for that.
We have a week before classes start, but I’m already feeling that familiar crushing feeling inside.
I don’t want to fail.
“Can we go swimming?” Sebastian runs to me and jumps on my lap when I’m sitting on the couch in the living room with my friend, Sawyer.
Sawyer and I have known each other for a long time. We went to the same private school and now are attending the same college.
“You gotta ask your mom, buddy.”
He sulks and pushes his bottom lip out. Sawyer laughs. “Oh man, he knows how to use his cuteness.”
“No kidding.” I lift Baz above my head, and he giggles. “Go ask your mom.”
He continues giggling. “Nooooooo.”
He lets his little arms out as he flies in the air, trusting me fully. “Yes!”
“No!” he yells through another goofy giggle.
“Ask mom what?” Viv walks into the living room from the kitchen, hands on her hips, wearing long black dress slacks and some silky blue blouse with sleeves that go to her elbows. Fuck Viv, it’s summer.
I tickle Baz’s sides, and he giggles more as I look to Viv. “He wants to go swimming.”
“Pleeeaaassse, Mommy?” Baz is hanging upside down over my shoulder now as he looks over at his mom.
She smiles, her teeth pearly white and straight. She has a fucking beautiful smile when she actually relaxes enough to let it out. “Okay.” She holds her hand out for him. “Let’s go get our suits on.”
Baz climbs off my lap and runs to her excitedly. “Yes!”
They head upstairs, and I escort Sawyer out to the patio so we can watch Sebastian swim.
“Quite the setup you’ve got here.”
“No shit. The Crenshaws don’t fuck around.”
I laugh as we take a seat in the lounge chairs around the pool.
“Yeah, I can see that.” He looks at the outdoor pool, complete with a hot tub and a waterfall.
He shakes his head, smiling and kicking back in the warm summer sun. “I still can’t fucking believe Vivienne Crenshaw got knocked up in school.”