Untangled (The Monroe Family Book 7) Read online

Page 9

  I turn to look at Cam, tracing my finger over his newly tattooed ribs. God, that was a sexy surprise. How it’s possible for Cam to get any hotter, I have no idea, but the large tribal tattoo along his right side sure did it. “Whoever did this, knows what they are doing,” I say.

  Cam tucks one arm behind his head, still stewing in anger from something. “Yeah. Chris did it Monday night.”

  I turn to my side, propping up on my elbow. “Alex’s Chris?”

  He turns to look at me finally. “Not anymore.”

  I nod. “Right. Well that makes sense. He’s fucking good. I thought about having him do one for me.”

  Cam raises an eyebrow. I’ve got his attention now. “Oh yeah? Where?”

  I shrug. “Not sure. Somewhere that will really piss off my mom. Maybe the top of my boob. I always show off too much cleavage according to her, so I’m sure she’d see it.”

  A strange look passes over his face and I think maybe I’ve shared too much. That’s not being the simple, easy girl. My bitterness toward my mother is fucking with me. Finally, he just grins shaking his head. “It’s not possible to show too much.” He looks down at my bare chest, “I think it would be hot as hell.”

  I smile and shrug. “Maybe.”

  His eyes go back to my ceiling. What is wrong with him? He’s always so happy-go-lucky. The only thing I can think of is he must have had some kind of fight with Vanessa.

  Which of course bugs me. It shouldn’t, but it does. Why can’t he just get over her already?

  Just be cool. “Well, that was fucking hot, Cam.”

  He turns back to me. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  Only when the back of my head banged against the hallway wall when he pushed me up against it, grinding into me like a madman. And when he pushed into me from behind and fisted my hair in his hand when we finally got to my room. But holy hell, that was all damn good pain and well worth it. “I don’t mind it a little rough,” I say in total honesty.

  He grins and gives my lips a brief kiss and the growls against them, “Good. I needed that.”

  Why? I want to ask, but don’t. “So, did I.”

  Now he is finally sporting that playful, Cam smirk. “Oh yeah. The other guys this week didn’t quite cut it? Had to call in the big guns?” he jokes.

  Other guys. Right. Another truth, I haven’t been with anyone, but Cam for a few months. I’m not sure why and honestly, I don’t want to think about why, but I just haven’t wanted to. “You know it,” I say, still letting him think I’m the same promiscuous girl I was when we first met, because I am. I’m just in a weird slump. That’s all.

  He grins and kisses me again, his fingers in my hair and his tongue exploring my mouth, until the sound of a door closing startles him and he pulls away. “Your parents home?”

  I shake my head. “No, they are in Europe. It’s probably just my brother.”

  He pulls his head back further and looks at me. “You have a brother?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, he’s a year older, but was in my class I’m school. He had some medical issues holding him back when he was really young.”

  “Wow. I had no idea. You guys close?”

  I shrug. “I guess. We’re really different though. Austin is my parent’s golden boy. He’s going to MIT. He always loved school, got really good grades, doesn’t curse, straight-laced, and doesn’t sleep around. He’s perfect and my mom makes sure to remind me of that constantly.” Wow, what the hell is up with me talking so damn much tonight?

  Cam sits up on my bed, leaning against the headrest. This is it. He’s gonna run and never come back. “He sounds boring,” he says with a smile.

  I grin back. “Cassie thought so. That’s why she dumped him.” Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother. I really do, but Cassie not thinking he was a God and worshipping him like my parents is one of the many reasons I love my best friend.

  He laughs at that. “Little Monroe dated your brother?”

  I nod my head, “Yep. Not for very long. Pretty sure she popped his cherry though. Even though she never told me.”

  He chuckles. “Holy fuck. This group is way too close.”

  I laugh with him. “Yeah, it really is starting to get where everyone has fucked everyone else.”

  We laugh together and then Cam looks at the clock on my dresser. “Fuck. I better get going. I have plans with the Monroes tomorrow. Going to watch Shriller at the track with Michael. Apparently, he’s teaching him to race.”

  “That should be fun. I can’t believe Brooke is letting that happen,” I say.

  “Yeah, I don’t think she's too happy about it, but he’s almost seventeen. He’s going to do what he wants. Might as well have a badass racer like Adam Shriller teach him. You should go. Alex will be there.”

  I smile, I do love Alex. She’s my idol, but I’m sure Luke will be there. Which means so will Hannah and Vanessa. “Maybe,” I say, knowing I’m not going without Cassie. Man, I miss her so much already.

  He stands up and slowly gets dressed, and I take in the sight of that gorgeous bod. “So, that’s a no.”

  “Probably. Isn’t that against the rules of the summer anyway?”

  He pulls on his shirt, now fully clothed. “Nope. It’s not at our house. She knows you and I are friends, she can’t fucking tell me who I can hang out with,” he says and that’s the most bitter I’ve ever heard Cam sound. He shrugs it off. “Anyway, you can go if you want, but if not, I’ll see you soon.

  I smile. “Yep. You know where I live now. Seriously, stop by whenever. I’m always the only one here.” Did that sound desperate?

  Oh well. Cam leaves and I lay in my bed. I’m a little upset with myself for overstating, but he didn’t seem bothered by it.

  It was kind of nice talking about my fucked-up family with someone other than Cass.

  And if I’m not mistaken, I think there may be trouble in paradise with Cam and Van.

  That makes me way happier than it should.

  Chapter 16


  I park my car in the driveway, climb out and lock it as I walk up to the front door of the townhome.

  What a crazy night. On the drive to Dani’s house—which, by the way, might as well be called a mansion, it actually reminded me of the house I grew up in—I got angrier and angrier about my conversation in the pool with Van.

  She’s always holding back, fighting her true feelings, and it pisses me the fuck off. It’s not like I’m a touchy feely, sensitive type. Hell, I’m the opposite, but with her, I fucking tried. I told her shit no one knows.

  We laid in my bed for hours just talking about how, as much as I hate my parents, I don’t want to let them down. Even though I didn’t go to a fancy Ivy League school like they wanted, I really want to make something of myself. As a big fuck you to them, but still.

  She’s the only one in my group of friends that knows I’m technically a genius and understood why I didn’t want anyone else to know.

  Van knows about the time I caught my asshole of a father fucking my high school girlfriend in my bed. I didn’t care that much because I really didn’t care about her and was fucking around too, but it was still a betrayal and just cemented my hatred for him even further.

  Vanessa knows all of this, and I still don’t know her parent’s names. I still don’t know why the fuck she believed that bitch, Krista, over me. She just instantly thought I would cheat on her and boom, she was done. No letting me defend myself. No nothing.

  Don’t get me wrong, I know a lot about Van. I know her favorite color. Purple. Her ambition in life. Change the world.

  She’s afraid of frogs. Fucking crazy, right? Frogs.

  I may have fallen in love with her even more when I found that out.

  But then there are days like today when she fucking holds back her true feelings. I know she still has feelings for me. I know she’s jealous about me and Dani fucking, but she won’t admit it.

  Why can’t she just be honest with me?<
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  And speaking of honesty, Dani opened up tonight. I’m not sure if she sensed my mood or if she just had a terrible day too, but that was more information than I’ve ever received from her all at once.

  Her family sounds eerily familiar to my own, and I had no clue that she had a sibling until tonight.

  I guess I never asked.

  I smile as I unlock the door. It was cool getting another glimpse of Dani, and I missed her this week. And fuck the angry, hot sex wasn’t too shabby either.

  I’m still wound up, but it certainly helped to relieve some of the tension I felt when I drove there.

  I close the door behind me and start to walk down the hall to the master bedroom. I stop dead in my tracks when I hear the unmistakable sound of Van’s moan echoing throughout the pitch dark, silent house.


  My whole body is on fire thinking about what could be happening on the other side of that door. Who the fuck is making Vanessa moan like that?

  I hear another cry of pleasure, and my fists clench at my sides as I wait to hear male sounds accompanying hers.

  Shit. Did I push her too far tonight? Send her into the arms of some stranger? That’s not like Van. She doesn’t do casual sex.

  Fuck. What if she’s drunk? That fucker better not be taking advantage of her.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

  I’m glued to the spot in front of the door. My body is immobile as her moans get louder and more intense. I’m about to lose my fucking mind when I hear, “Ah, Cam!” coming from the other side of the door.

  No way.

  Now I’m frozen for a completely different reason. Is she alone?

  Holy shit. I stay frozen and don’t hear another sound, no other voice, and that was definitely my name she moaned.

  I finally make my feet move and start to walk away, but the floor creaks loudly in the now silent house. Shit.

  I pause, but then hear rustling in Van’s room and start to walk faster toward my own room, but I’m too late.

  Just as I reach for my door handle Vanessa's door opens, and she walks out into the hallway, wearing her tank top and little shorts, sans bra.

  “Cam?” She looks bewildered, as she folds her arms over her chest.

  I drop my hand and turn my body, so I’m facing her. “Hey.”

  “What are you doing home? I thought you’d be out late.” She seems embarrassed, and I want to tell her not to be. I want to tell her that’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. But after our argument, I don’t.

  “Yeah, we have that thing tomorrow morning,” I explain.

  She nods her head at my answer. So many unspoken words between us. “Right. I forgot.”

  “We still driving there together?” I ask awkwardly.

  Then she gives me a sweet smile. “Yes. If that’s okay with you. It makes sense.”

  I grin. “Okay. See ya in the morning then.”

  She waves and walks back into her room, closing the door behind her.

  I go into my room and lay down on the bed, still fully clothed and more confused than ever.

  I wonder if I will ever get over her and to a place where I can truly just be her friend.

  I’m consumed by her. My thoughts go to her way more times than I’m proud of, day and night. I should want to move on, to not think about her in that way. But, in reality, there’s no part of me that wants that.

  My phone sounds in my pocket, and I reach to pull it out, smiling like a fool when I see Hunt’s name on the caller ID. I hit the answer button and put the phone to my ear. “Well, if it isn’t Hunter Fucking Thompson! What’s up?”

  I hear Hunter’s familiar laugh and then, “What’s up, Brown? How’s everything?”

  “Pretty good. How’s Texas? They set you up in a nice place?”

  “Not bad and yeah. Cassie’s been rearranging all week. The place is fully furnished, but she said it didn’t feel homey enough.”

  I laugh. “Sounds like a chick.”

  He chuckles at that and then his tone becomes serious, “How’s living with Van?”

  “It’s good.” I think.

  “Right. No blowups?”

  “Nope.” Not really. I don’t think our little tiff tonight can be considered a blowup.

  “You haven’t been a dickhead and brought a chick home?” he asks. I’m quiet, and he prods, “Cam?”

  “Hey, that was never really a rule. I’m single.”

  “Cam . . .shit. You know she doesn’t want to see that. Couldn’t you have just gone to the chick’s place?”

  I hear a notification ding on my phone as I’m talking, indicating a new text message. More than likely from the crazy girl. “Trust me, Van handled it.”

  “Do me a favor, okay? Every time you do something, just think how you’d feel if the situation was reversed.”

  Like tonight. At least, that’s what I thought was happening tonight, and it sure as fuck didn’t feel great thinking another man’s hands were on Van.

  “You’re right, man. I’ll try to think more.”

  “Good. I should probably go. Just wanted to check in.”

  “Good to hear from ya, Thompson. Give ‘em hell.”

  With that we hang up. I check the text and see that it is, in fact, from the chick from earlier this week.

  I delete it and stand to undress for bed. Hunt’s right. If this is going to work—and I want to at least get to where Van and I can be good friends again—I’m going to have to think with my brain and not my dick.

  Besides, I don’t even want to think about what Van would do if another girl stays the night.

  Chapter 17


  The next morning, I walk nervously down the hall to the kitchen. I’m already dressed for the day in a pair of jean shorts and a K-State t-shirt.

  Nothing sexy about my look today. No make-up, hair up in a ponytail.

  To say I’m humiliated is an understatement. I cannot believe my own actions last night.

  Let me try to explain. After Cam left, I couldn’t stop obsessing about the whole encounter.

  I tried.

  I read. I listened to music. I took a bubble bath. But everything went back to Cam. Cam’s perfect hot, naked body. Shit! I still can’t believe he stripped right in front of me. Like it was no big deal.

  I tried not to look, but I’m only human. He was standing there, no shame. Not that he should be ashamed of that body.

  It was even better than the memories stored in my brain. And the new tattoo, a large tribal etching scrawled along his ribcage, that just added to his hotness, along with the full sleeve of tattoos on his left arm, the barbed wire going around his right bicep, and the wildcat tattoo on his right pec.

  Yeah, my eyes managed to take them all in. Even though I have seen them all before when he’s shirtless, there was something about seeing the whole package yesterday.

  And then he had to tell me about calling out my name when he was with Dani.

  That got me. I was done after that. He thought about me while he was having sex with someone else. I guess I should probably be appalled, but the thought left me impossibly turned on.

  Cam was pissed when he left. I assumed he would be home late. So, after fighting my turned-on state all night, I finally gave in and brought intense pleasure to myself thinking about him and only him.

  And like an idiot, I moaned his name loudly as I came.

  Which, fine, I own it. I don’t think there is anything wrong with knowing and exploring your body, but then I heard someone in the hall.

  When I opened the door and saw Cam standing there, I knew he heard me. It was written all over his face.

  I swear, I could have died from embarrassment at that moment and honestly, I expected him to call me out. But for some reason, he held back.

  Today could be another story.

  I walk cautiously into the kitchen and see Cam, who is also ready for the day, sitting at the table sipping his coffee. He looks over at me, and there’s
no playful smirk or any indication that he is going to bring up last night. “Morning, Van.”

  I walk over to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup. “Morning.”

  I walk to the table and take a seat, still nervous as hell. He nods to the clock on the wall, “You ready to get going?”

  I take a drink of coffee. That’s it? “Yeah, I’m ready when you are.”

  He finishes his coffee and stands up. “Cool. I don’t want to be late.”

  I take a gulp of the coffee, only burning my tongue a little bit. I finish the cup and walk over to the sink and rinse it out, still expecting Cam to say something about last night.

  He doesn’t. Instead he just smiles and says, “Ready?”

  I nod and we go out to his car and he drives us in almost total silence, with exception of the radio, to the track.

  I nearly leap out of the car when he parks and I see Hannah standing with everyone else at the track.

  I join them and Hannah, who is standing next to Luke as he gives Michael a hard time, looks at me excitedly. “Van! You made it!”

  I smile at her. It’s been almost a full week since I’ve seen my best friend and, as far as I’m concerned, that is way too long. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do when summer ends and I move back to Manhattan without her. “Hey, Hannah. Of course. Like I would miss an opportunity to hang out with you.”

  “And to see my little brother go splat, right?” Luke says, and ruffles Michael’s hair. He’s joking, but I see the real worry written on his face.

  Dylan smacks him playfully on the back of the head. “Knock that shit off.”

  Dylan’s eyes go to Brooke. She’s standing with Alex, Charlotte, and Gabby and looks like she’s about to throw up. My heart goes out to her.

  Alex wraps an arm around her, whispering something into her ear. Shriller smacks Alex on the ass, and she finishes what I’m assuming is a pep talk to Brooke then turns around and smacks him on the chest.

  Shriller picks her up by the waist and gives her a kiss before putting her back down to walk over where Jax is standing, inspecting the fast-looking race car sitting on the track.