Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Read online

Page 19

  I’ve stopped things twice already.

  I can’t do that to her again.

  “I’m going to call Dylan to come pick me up.”

  She looks startled. Yeah, that’s probably not what she expected me to say.

  “Wait, I owe you a tour of my condo.”

  Why does that sound dirty?

  Going inside her home is definitely risky, but I don’t want to turn it down, “Alright.”

  After making sure the Mustang is locked and secured, we walk into Charlotte’s new condo. As soon as I’m inside, it instantly feels more like Charlotte than her house of seven years ever did.

  She leads me into her living room that is complete with an oversized couch, actually meant for sitting and not just decoration. She even has a recliner to match.

  “Wow! Charlotte, is great.”

  Charlotte beams with pride, “Isn’t it? It’s exactly what I was hoping for. It feels like home. Let me show you the kitchen.”

  I follow her into a nice modern kitchen. It has granite counter-tops and sleek black appliances. Next, I follow her into her connected dining room with a pretty good sized table and chairs.

  She then takes my hand and pulls me up to follow her, “The bedrooms are a little small, but I like them.”

  When we reach the top of the stairs, she quickly flips the light on to a very simple guest bedroom with a bed, a table, and a stand with a television on it.


  She smiles and then guides me to the master bedroom.

  There are traces of Charlotte everywhere in this room.

  There is a queen-sized bed decorated with a dark purple comforter and matching ruffled pillows. A large oak armoire with matching tables stand next to her bed.

  I shouldn’t be in her room, but she led me here.

  I turn to face her, “Damn, Charlotte, this is great. Not what I expected at all.”

  She laughs, “It’s the total opposite of my house, but I love this so much more.” She looks so damn happy.

  I need to leave. “I should go.”

  She grasps my right hand in hers. “Jackson, I like you.”

  I raise an eyebrow, confused by her statement. “I like you, too.”

  She gets flustered. “I don’t mean to sound like I’m in high school. But, I 'like you'—like you. I know that I’m technically still married on paper, but I don’t feel married in my heart anymore.”

  Oh, shit—I should have skipped the tour, because if she keeps this going there is no way I will have enough self-control to resist. “Charlotte…”

  “I know that you aren’t looking for anything serious, I understand that. I’m married to your client, I understand that, too, but don’t you feel it?”

  I move even closer to her, our bodies nearly touching. “You mean how your presence takes my breath away? How seeing your abusive husband kiss you—made me go from calm, cool and collected—to an insanely jealous freak in just a few seconds?”

  She whispers, her lips so close to mine I can feel her breath on me, “Yes.”

  That's it, all self-control is gone. Why the fuck should I control myself? We're both adults. We both clearly want this.

  My lips crash into hers with intense need, being reconnected and tasting her sweet mouth again is enough to drive me over the edge.

  I need her.

  Neither one of us pulling away, both clinging onto one another. We back slowly toward her bed—peeling off clothes as we go—barely taking a break from our kiss.

  I’ve never felt an urgency like this.

  She rips my shirt over my head. Then, she traces the tattoos on my torso and the ridges of my abs.

  It drives me fucking crazy.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.”

  I grin and remove her top, tossing it behind us as we reach her bed.

  I stop briefly to take a moment to enjoy the beauty of Charlotte’s body without feeling like a perv.

  I feel her hands on the button of my jeans and stop her with my hand. She looks worried, like I’m about to push her away again, but I shake my head and whisper in her ear, “Let’s do this right.”

  I nip at her ear and then kiss along her cheekbone, before I move my lips back to those full lips.

  I lay her down across the bed, her feet still grazing the floor. She moans softly as I make my way down her neck and to the tops of her tits in her lacey black bra.

  They are just screaming to be released and of course I can help with that.

  I reach behind her unclasping her bra in one quick motion and set free her beautiful, perky breasts. I take one of her hard nipples in my mouth, tracing it with my tongue, enjoying the soft whimpers from Charlotte’s mouth.

  I slowly make my way down her toned stomach, crouching on the floor. I trace little circles with my tongue and I can feel her shiver with excitement.

  I find the button of her jeans and unfasten it, before ever so slowly lowering the zipper and slipping them off of her.

  I don’t want this to end.

  Her panties match her bra and they are sexy as fuck, but they have to go.

  After kissing her sweet pussy through the lacey fabric, I pull them off and toss them behind me.

  It’s official—, every part of Charlotte is perfect.

  I need to taste her.

  I move and dip my tongue into her pussy that’s ready and wet for me. I hear Charlotte gasp my name, “Jackson.”

  She didn’t tell me to stop and the way she says my name, with that fucking sexy southern drawl drives me fucking wild.

  I move my tongue up to her hard clit, sucking and flicking it with my tongue, switching up the rhythm as I go.

  I can feel her fingers in my short hair, begging me for a release. Which if I keep going at this tempo will definitely happen quickly.

  I decide to tease her just a little bit. Removing my tongue, I nip at her thigh with my teeth gently —driving her wild.

  Her hips buck and she moans. As I continue to tease, I slip one finger inside her tight pussy, moving it slowly in and out—her hips matching my speed.

  I move my tongue back to her clit applying just the right amount of pressure before she has a burst of pleasure.

  She arches her back and grasps the sheets between her fingers as I lap at her swollen clit.

  God, she’s beautiful.

  When she finishes riding that wave of pleasure, I lie next to her on the bed. Both of our feet touching the carpet.

  She’s panting and looks over at me and in her southern accent says, “Good Lord, Jackson. You are a very talented man.”

  I laugh at that. I’ve heard it before, but coming from Charlotte, it means a hell of a lot more. “My pleasure.”

  She moves to straddle my lower half on the edge of the bed. “No, not yet—but I’d like it to be.”

  I’d like nothing more, but damn, I can’t take this any further. Not tonight. Not while she’s still married.

  Sex for women is different. It can easily confuse things.

  I stroke her bare back with both hands, making lazy circles, “How about we talk instead?”

  There’s a suggestion I’ve never made before...


  I smile and move her, so that she’s lying next to me again on her side. “Talk.”

  She grins, “You just want to talk to me?”

  There are a lot of things I want to do to you… “Yeah. To be honest with you, I don’t think we should have sex right now. I can’t be the guy you leave your husband for. If you do decide you want a divorce, it has to be because you want to.”

  She looks surprised by my honesty, “I understand. And that’s not what this is. I genuinely care for you.”

  I smile, “I know and I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She touches my cheek with her hand, “That’s good news. You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met Jackson. I am confused by everything in my life, but not you. You’re right though, I need to figure things out or it’s
unfair to you.”

  I pull her tightly to me, enjoying the feeling of her naked body against mine. “You need to be fair to you. Do what’s right for you and stop thinking about everyone else.”

  I mean every word. If she goes back to her douchebag husband it will gut me. If it’s what she really wants, I’ll do everything I can to hide that fact from her.

  Chapter 31


  Jackson picks up his shirt off of the floor.

  I think he’s going to leave. I’m not ready for him to leave.

  Instead he hands it to me, “It’s kinda cold in here.”

  He settles back against my headboard. I slip his t-shirt on before crawling onto my bed to sit next to him.

  His arm is around me, casual and innocent in nature. I think he meant that he doesn’t want to have sex with me tonight.

  He just wants to talk.

  I don’t know what got into me tonight. Seeing Jackson outside of my condo, I knew that he had seen Nicholas here.

  He was hard to read at first so I tried to ignore it, hoping that he wouldn’t ask me about Nicholas.

  And he brought my car, my beautiful, sexy car.

  Going on that test drive with him, I truly felt free. Free to explore who I want to be, even if it was for a short while.

  I wasn’t about to let him go when we got back to my condo.

  I needed him to stay.

  A decision that I don’t regret one bit.

  My body is still tingling from his touch.

  His mouth.

  I reach for his hand, his gigantic hand, and take it in mine, entangling our fingers.

  He grins over at me, “So you said that you don’t feel married in your heart. What changed?”

  I look into his eyes, “It’s been building up for so long. But tonight at dinner, I just kept thinking that he wants something from me. He’s manipulating me, and that’s not marriage. Not a good one anyway.”

  Jackson nods his head and seems pleased by that answer, “Did he bring up you having a baby and coming back to him?”

  “He actually said he wouldn’t have ever brought up having a baby, if he thought I wouldn’t love being a mother. Every answer was just too perfect. Almost rehearsed, like he was going to say what I needed to hear.”

  He tucks my hair behind my ear, “That’s pretty badass that you didn’t fall for his bullshit.”

  I am pretty proud of myself.

  “Well I owe a lot of that to you.”

  He looks worried, “Me?”

  “Yes, you have a totally different outlook on life. You call it like you see it, and I like that. And you took me to the Monroe’s for dinner. Watching Brooke and Dylan together was eye opening beyond belief. That’s what love should be like. Give and take with an intense passion. Every couple should aspire to be like that.”

  He laughs, “Yeah, they are pretty unique.”

  “They are amazing. I’ve never seen a couple like that before. All of the married couples I’m around have a goal or angle. They are together for convenience.”

  He scoots down and takes me with him so we are lying flat on the bed, still holding hands. “What about your parents? Didn’t you say they have been married for over thirty years?”

  “Yes, they have, but it’s different. They both came from very wealthy backgrounds. Their parents were friends, and they were always at the same functions. It just made sense and was almost predetermined that they would be married. The golden couple of Savannah.”

  “Still being together for that long there has to be some love there right?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “I think it’s more of a mutual respect. They don’t bother each other. There’s no passion, they barely ever touch. They’ve had separate bedrooms since I can remember.”

  “That’s kind of sad, Charlotte.”

  I cuddle up to his hard chest, “Yes, it is incredibly sad. I always said I wouldn’t have that. And then I married Nicholas.” I pull my head up to look at him, “What about your parents? You said that you were raised by your grandfather.”

  Maybe I shouldn’t have asked that because Jackson’s face grows dark. “It was off and on since the day I was born, but that become permanent when I was four.”

  I want to know everything about this man, but I know I should take it easy. He’s not one to open up and talk in detail most of the time.

  I lay my head back down on the warm skin of his chest, “Can I ask why?”

  I hear him clear his throat and feel the vibration in his chest, “My parents were junkies. Always looking for a high—were in and out of jail since before I was born. But when I was four they took it one step too far and robbed a convenience store.”

  I don’t move, even though I’m tempted to touch him and comfort him. I want to hear the rest of the story.

  He continues, “The clerk had a gun and shot my dad in the arm, but my dad shot him and killed him. And one other person. My mom was the getaway driver so they were both charged.”

  “They’re in prison?” The sound of my question is slightly muffled.

  He shifts uncomfortably below me, clearly uneasy with this subject, “My dad actually didn’t make it that long. He was killed in a fight a couple of months into his sentence. And my mom, I have no idea where she is. My grandpa used to take me to visit her occasionally until I asked to him not to when I was seven.”

  My heart breaks for this man.

  He has had such an intense life, “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal. I didn’t really know them. I don’t even really have memories of them except those few visits with my mom.”

  I pull my head from his chest and move eye level with him, holding his face in my hands, “You’ve been through so much. How can you even stand me with my silly little issues?”

  He grins, “Everyone has issues and yours aren’t silly.”

  “Compared to the things you’ve been through; my marital issues seem laughable.”

  He leans in and kisses my lips, sweetly. “I would gladly lay here all night and listen to all of your ‘silly issues’.”

  I smile and settle into the crook of his neck, taking in his clean masculine scent. “Is your grandfather still alive?”

  “No, he died a few years ago, before I came here.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sure he was a good man.”

  I can feel Jackson smile, “He was. He was tough, but he was there for me. He got me started in the car world.”

  “That’s wonderful. Thank God for that.”

  He laughs and there is a moment of quiet before he breaks the silence, “So what is this?”

  “Between us?”

  He nods his head slowly, like he’s surprised he asked that question, “Like I said, I like you. I would love to see where this goes, but it’s complicated. I wouldn’t blame you if wanted to wait to find out what this is—until I get everything figured out.”

  He strokes my side with his hand, “I’ve never really been one to wait. I will if that’s what you need, but the way I see it—you’re separated. Maybe we should keep doing what we are doing? See where it goes?”

  My heart flutters at that thought. All of the possibilities now open to me.

  “I’d like that. We just have to be careful. I can’t risk Nicholas finding out about us. I don’t want him ruining your life.”

  “I’m not fucking worried about him.”

  I reach my hand up to grasp his shoulder. “Please, Jackson.”

  He nods, “Alright, we’ll keep it simple and quiet. It shouldn’t be too hard for me.”

  I smile, “Thank you.”

  He kisses me again and I’m more secure and comfortable than I have ever been in my life.

  Chapter 32


  Charlotte and I stayed in bed for hours talking last night. We were still there until five this morning when she quietly dropped me off at my place.

  After a quick kiss goodbye, I walk up to my front door and
let myself in.

  Last night was fucking intense.

  It feels like a dream, but not the shitty dream I’m used to.

  Did I actually tell her about my parents?

  I never talk about them. As far as I’m concerned they are both dead and buried.

  I walk into my kitchen and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, chugging it while standing at my sink.

  Are we in a relationship?


  A simple, quiet one, but yeah. I actually asked her what last night meant.


  After drinking the water, I put the bottle in the recycling bin and splash water on my face from the faucet.

  I’m in shock.

  Somehow in the course of one night I, Jackson Garrett am now in a relationship with my client’s wife.

  Well this probably won’t end well.

  But what a fucking ride with Charlotte, one that is without a doubt worth it.

  And worst of all—I can’t tell anyone about it right now, because Charlotte is afraid of what he might do.

  Like I’m afraid of that asshat.

  I go upstairs and climb into bed to get a little shut eye before I need to go into the shop.

  How the hell am I going to keep this from Dylan?

  Today at work, I did the ‘leave me the fuck alone’ approach. It worked fairly well and I just closed myself in my office for most of the day.

  The reason this works so well; is we are all a bunch of assholes that have these days occasionally. No one asks questions.

  Of course I can’t do this forever.

  I say a quick goodbye to Carolyn on my way out and jump straight into my truck.

  I would love nothing more than to drive to Charlotte’s condo, but we talked about it last night. We are keeping a low profile, so that means we have to be careful.

  It shouldn’t be that difficult for me, that’s all I’ve ever really done. I always let my love life be very low profile.

  Now suddenly I’m in a shitty mood, because I haven’t heard her voice for twelve fucking hours.


  When I’m home I go inside, my phone starts vibrating in my pocket.