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Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Page 20
Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Read online
Page 20
I can’t ignore the fact that I hope it’s Charlotte.
I roll my eyes, grinning, when I see it’s actually Shriller. “Hey man, what’s up?”
“I’m in town shithead, let’s go out.”
Shit. “What. Why the fuck are you in town again? You really shouldn’t have sold your house asshole; you live here more than Cali.”
“Yeah, yeah. What can I say. I know I’m missed here. I’m staying at the Intercontinental at the Plaza, come on over.”
What the fuck can I say? Sorry, I just decided to start a relationship last night, can’t go out on a drunken bangin’ spree with ya.
“I’ll be over in a bit.”
I hang up and go upstairs to shower and change from work.
While I was in the shower, I missed a call from Charlotte so I dial her number as I sit on my bed still in my towel.
“Hey, Charlotte.”
Her voice is sexy on the phone. Everything about this woman is sexy. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
I grin, “Me too. In fact, I almost drove by your place on the way home from work.”
“I wish you would have.”
“Well fuck, I’ll be right over.”
She laughs, “I wish that could be true. I was thinking though; I still owe payment on my Mustang. Maybe I can stop by your office on Monday?”
I ponder that, “How about I stop by your place instead. For your convenience of course. Hell, you are a VIP after all.”
“Of course. I would love that. What are you doing tonight, handsome?”
I clear my throat, not sure she’s going to like my answer, “Shriller’s in town.”
Definitely didn’t like that answer. “I’m not going to be out late, but it would be weird if I didn’t go out for a bit.”
Putting on a brave tone, “I understand. I hope you have fun.”
“I won’t.”
She laughs and we hang up.
I get dressed and then drive downtown to the Plaza to Shriller’s ridiculously expensive hotel.
Of course that asshole rented the penthouse suite. When I get there, it’s obvious there is no reason to go out because there is a party here.
As I walk through the crowd, I finally reach Shriller who is stretched out on the leather sofa. Both arms wrapped around a scantily clad girl, “Jax, you finally fuckin’ made it. I was about to give up on you.”
“You had to rent out an entire suite?”
He releases the girls and stands up happily. “Hell yeah. I make a shitload of money on the racing circuit and I’ve invested that money wisely. I’m young, why the fuck shouldn’t I enjoy it? What the fuck are you saving your money for, Jax?”
“Fuck if I know, but I’m not just going to blow it.”
He nods his head to someone across the room, “Speaking of blowing. Isn’t that Staci?”
Fuck. It would be my luck, that’s for damn sure. I haven’t seen her since that night she came over when Gabby pointed out my tattoo. For the first time in a long time, I’m not looking for a quick, easy lay.
I follow Shriller’s eyes and quickly glance seeing that it is Staci, “Fuck man, why would you invite her?”
“Relax, I didn’t. She’s probably here with Carrie. Why the fuck do you care? That just made your night easy as pie if you want.”
“I don’t want.”
He shrugs casually, taking a drink of his beer. “I gotcha, you want something new. No biggie. A girl like Staci will find someone new.”
I sigh, “Shriller, I gotta go.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? You just got here.”
“Yeah, and it was a mistake.”
I head toward the door, but feel Shriller on my heels, “What the hell is going on with you man? You bailed last time I was home, now you’re doing it again.”
I stop and turn to him, “Last time, I needed to get Cass out of there before Dylan’s head exploded.”
“And this time?”
Damn, maybe I should get this off my chest. Shriller isn’t going to tell anyone. “I’m seeing someone.”
He quirks an eyebrow, “Bullshit.”
“I am, alright. It’s new, kinda. Anyway, I shouldn’t be here.”
“So call her and invite her.”
I shake my head, “This isn’t really her scene. And, uh…”
He rolls his eyes, “You fucking dumbass, you’re fucking that senator’s wife.”
I pull him away from the crowd and shush him, “Dude, shut the fuck up.”
“You are, aren’t you? Fuck, Dylan was right?”
I furrow my brow, “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean, that night at the club, he told me there was something between you two. I told him that there was no way you would do that shit.”
That’s not really that surprising.
Dylan’s been on my ass about it since I met Charlotte.
Doesn’t mean he knows for sure. “Look, I have it handled. It’s not going to affect the business. And I haven’t fucked her.”
He studies me, “Well damn, kudos for that because she’s fucking hot, but, you said that you’re in a relationship.”
My head drops. Maybe confiding in Shriller was a fucking stupid move, “It’s complicated. We are keeping it quiet. It needs to fuckin’ stay that way—until the divorce is final.”
“Ah, so she’s asked for a divorce then?”
I rub the back of my neck, “Not exactly, she’s still figuring some things out.”
“Holy shit man, don’t be that guy.”
“What fucking guy would that be?” I growl.
“The fucking guy on the side. Rich woman’s play thing. What the fuck?”
“Watch it—Charlotte isn’t like that. That’s not what this is, I trust her.”
He keeps his tone hushed, “Look man—people have died for shit like this.”
“Trust me, I can take that asshole any day.”
He nods his head, but still clearly worried. “I hope you know what you are getting yourself into man. I hope it’s fucking worth it. If Dylan finds out, he’s going to lose it.”
“She is fucking worth it. He’s not going to find out.”
Shriller holds his hands up at the sound of my threatening tone, “Not from me, but these secrets always come out.”
“I’ll tell him when the time is right. Don’t worry about it.”
“Alright man, at least have a beer with me. It doesn’t mean you have to fuck anyone.”
Shit, I’m pretty sure that used to be my line with Dylan.
Man… things have changed.
Chapter 33
I miss Jackson. It’s pathetic—but I do.
Hearing his voice on the phone Saturday night just wasn’t enough.
Especially when he told me that he was going out with his friend, Adam Shriller. The guy that had said in front of me that they were going to go out and “get laid”.
I trust Jackson, but it’s not like we have really defined anything. I mean I’m still married to another man for heaven’s sake.
Lucky for me, he is stopping by sometime today to drop off the paperwork for the Mustang and to collect payment.
When I hear my phone ring, I’m excited, hoping it’s him. I pick up my phone and see that sadly, it’s just Gloria. She’s calling me for the fifth time this week. I’m in such a good mood that I hit accept, answering her call, “Hello, Gloria.”
“Oh sweetie, I was beginning to worry about you.”
“I’m fine. How can I help you?”
“So formal? We’ve been friends for seven years, Charlotte. I miss you.”
I doubt that, but my upbringing kicks in, “I’m sorry, I’ve been busy lately.”
“Yes I know. I was hoping that you would attend the event at the country club tomorrow night. We all miss you so much, and it would mean the world to Nicholas.”r />
“I don’t know.”
“Oh, Charlotte, I know that you are upset with him, but he’s really changed a lot these past weeks. Besides, I know the humanitarian in you is dying to be at this event. Raising money for the Kansas City Women’s Shelter. This was your idea in the first place.”
It was. It took a lot to get these women to host an event for other grown women. They all looked down on them, “I will think about it.”
“I’m so glad. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone that you’ll be there for sure. I’ll just let it be a surprise. Unless you want to go with Nicholas.”
“No. I don’t.”
“Well, you won’t be bringing a date right? Charlotte, that would be highly inappropriate.”
I fight the urge to hang up. I don’t need anyone else telling me what to do, “No, I’ll be attending alone, if I go.”
“Alright dear, I’ll see you there.”
We hang up. I’m annoyed at the fact that she knows I will be there. I did make a commitment to the shelter and feel I should go.
I’m lost in thought about that when I jump at the sound of my doorbell.
Please—let it be Jackson.
I race to the door, grinning from ear to ear when I see his large frame outside of the glass door. I throw it open, “Hi. You’re here with the paperwork?”
He gives me one of his signature breathtaking grins.
“Come on in.”
He walks in and I close the door behind him, pulling him into the living room. When we are out of sight of the front door, he pulls me into his strong arms and kisses me like it’s the first kiss we’ve shared.
When we release each other briefly, I sit down on my couch taking him with me. “I’m glad you’re here.”
He wraps an arm around my shoulder, “Me too. I don’t have very long though. I have an appointment with an asshole client that I can’t miss.”
I nod, just happy to have him for a little while. “How was your time with Shriller?”
I had to ask—it’s been on my mind since he told me.
“I actually fucked up and told him about us.”
I sit up pulling back from him, “What?”
He puts his hands on my shoulder, grounding me. “Charlotte, it’s Shriller. He doesn’t know anyone your husband does. And he’s not telling anyone. Trust me.”
I scoot back over to him and lay my head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry, I’m jumpy.”
“We can’t hide it forever, you know.”
“I know, just a little bit until I can get everything situated.”
“And make your decision.”
I nod my head. I care for Jackson more than anyone, but getting an actual divorce scares the hell out of me.
I don’t know if I can do it.
I squeak out an answer, “Yes.”
“I had to tell Shriller, or he would have tried to get me laid all night.”
Not that he needs help. “So, you didn’t want that?”
He pulls back and meets my eyes, “No. I don’t. You and I are seeing each other right? Even if we are keeping it from other people.”
“Yes. Of course, I just didn’t know how you felt about that. It’s not like I can tell you to stay away from other women. It would be hypocritical.”
It would also kill me inside if I knew he was with someone else.
He cups my face in his hand, “Charlotte, you can tell me what you want. I want to know. And as long as you aren’t fucking your husband either—I’m good.”
Have I mentioned how much I love how straightforward this man is?
“I’m not sleeping with anyone, and I don’t want you to either.”
He grins and kisses my lips tenderly, pushing my body back on the couch and hovering above me. He plants little kisses up and down my neck. “Good.”
I move my hand under his shirt, feeling his hard abs with my fingertips. I can see the bulge in his jeans when I look down. I would love to return the amount of pleasure I received from him the other night, but I’m afraid.
Nicholas never liked foreplay. He always called it 'cheap'.
When I reach for the button on Jackson’s jeans his hand stops me again, “Charlotte, I should go.”
Does he not want me to touch him either? “What?”
I’m sure the confusion is written on my face, but he gives me a kind smile, “I want to stay, but I’m already late.”
He moves his body off of mine and holds his hand out to help me up, “I understand.”
He shakes his head, “I don’t think you do. I would fucking kill to stay, but I’ll be back. Later?”
I smile, “Tonight?”
“Shit—I have family dinner tonight. What about tomorrow? Unless you want to go with me?”
I would love to, but I know I shouldn’t. “Probably not a good idea and tomorrow I have a charity event.”
I don’t miss the look of concern, “Charity? Like at the club?”
I nod, “Yes. Gloria called to remind me. It was sort of my idea, and I think I should make a quick appearance.”
He nods his head. Going back to the Jackson I can’t read. “Nicholas will be there?”
“I’m sure he will be, but that’s not why I’m going. I promise.”
He shrugs it off, “You don’t have to promise me that. He’s your husband.”
I take his hands in mine, “I’m not going to see him. In fact, I hope I don’t run into him. I’m going for the charity. A quick pop in. Maybe you can come over after?”
He grins and kisses my forehead.
Somehow even that’s sexy.
“I’ll be here.”
He leaves the paperwork for my car on the coffee table. We kiss one last time before he leaves.
The next night I’m at the club, wearing an expensive new dress, surrounded by all of the same people.
I cannot wait to leave.
I don’t want to listen to one more fake conversation, or humor another boring socialite who thinks they are the funniest thing on this planet.
Gloria seems pleased to see me and gives me a huge hug, “Don’t you miss this, sweetheart?”
Not at all. “It’s a beautiful cause.”
She waves that off like I’m a silly girl. Just like always. “Right. Well, there are so many important people here. I honestly can’t believe they all showed up, but I’m sure happy they did. The mayor is here. Did you notice that?”
I nod my head. More than likely for a photo op. “Yes I saw him.”
She pats my shoulder, “Sweetie, I’m going to go mingle. Enjoy yourself.”
I throw her a fake, rehearsed smile before she leaves to blend into the massive crowd.
I’ve been here for an hour. When I think I’ve put in more than enough time, I head to grab my coat from the closet at the front.
There isn’t an attendant tonight for some odd reason, so I go into the closet to retrieve my coat myself.
When I flip on the light to brighten the dark clothes two bodies jump back. I stand there in shock at the sight before me.
Nicholas with his hair mussed and tie crooked and my friend Karen pulling her grand gown down.
I gasp, “Nicholas.”
He stands there, frozen also. I’ve never seen him shaken. “Charlotte, what on earth are you doing here?”
“In the closet or the event?”
“I didn’t think you would be here, sweetie.”
That comes from Karen and Nicholas glares at her, “You should go.”
She looks slightly hurt, but moves to meet his command.
I stop her by blocking the door. “No, you should stay. I think I deserve answers from both of you.”
I keep my eyes trained on Karen, “How long has this been going on?”
She rolls her eyes at me. “Oh please, Charlotte. You cannot be this naïve.”
I turn to Nicholas, “How long? Since before our separation?”
Karen scoffs and Nicholas growls at her, �
��Keep your mouth shut.”
She looks over at him, “Nicholas, she knows. It’s not like it’s a huge secret anyway. Let’s just get it out there.”
I focus on her, “How can you do this to your husband? To your kids?”
She rolls her eyes upward for the second time, “Please Charlotte, my husband screws anything that walks and has for longer than I’ve been with Nicholas.”
Nicholas snaps at her, “Shut your mouth. Now.”
She shrinks back, and I look back into his deceitful eyes. “How long?”
“You left me, remember?”
“But it’s been going on long before I left.”
He doesn’t deny it and suddenly it all makes sense. They are always in the corner whispering. For years.
She seems to know information about my husband before I know, and he tells her intimate things about our relationship.
I feel sick.
I’m a fool.
He places a hand on my shoulder and I quickly remove it, sweeping it off of me with my hand. “Do not touch me.”
“Charlotte, let me explain.”
I shake my head furiously. “No. I don’t want to hear it.”
“Charlotte, I’ve held my tongue while you were off with your meat puppet. You think that doesn’t hurt me?”
I don’t think it does in the least. “I’m leaving. Do not follow me.”
He stays put as I find my coat and make a quick exit.
I’m humiliated and feel like I’m going to be sick to my stomach. I wonder exactly how long it has been going on.
Not that it really matters.
My whole marriage has been nothing but a sham.
Chapter 34
“Charlotte? What’s wrong?”
Her distraught voice comes over the speaker on my phone, “Can you please just come over?”
“Of course—I’ll be right there.”
We hang up and I speed to her place.
I was waiting for her call after the party, but I didn’t expect her to call me crying. Full on bawling—where she is damn near incoherent.
I can’t drive there fast enough. When I screech the truck to a halt a few condos down from Charlotte’s, I park and run up to her front door.
Charlotte answers still dressed in a fancy gown, her hair is pulled up. Her make-up is smeared; her eyes are red, all from crying.