Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Read online

Page 21

I walk inside, pulling her into my arms. A million possibilities running through my mind, “What’s going on?”

  She composes herself slightly to get out, “Nicholas has been sleeping with my friend Karen.”

  That’s bad, but not nearly as bad as the thoughts in my mind on the way over here, “Since when?”

  She sniffs, “He wouldn’t say, but I’m certain it’s been going on for a long time. I’m such an idiot.”

  I pull her tighter into my chest. Not only is he a wife beatin’ motherfucker—he’s a cheatin’, wife beatin’ motherfucker.

  They usually go hand in hand. “You’re not an idiot.”

  Her sobs are muffled against my chest, “I am. I trusted him for so long. I never asked any questions.”

  “You shouldn’t have to question your husband, Charlotte. You should be able to trust him. This isn’t your fault.”

  “I misjudged him so badly. All I ever was to him was an attractive young wife to parade around events, while he was sleeping with my so-called friend and God knows who else.”

  I guide her to the couch in her living room and pull her next to me, tucked under my right arm. “How did you find this out?”

  She sniffles again, trying to hold back tears, “They were there, at the party together. I caught them pawing at each other in the coat closet. He never had that kind of passion for me.”

  That’s hard to imagine. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with this guy. “Charlotte, he’s an asshole, but none of this is your fault. You did everything you could to be a good wife to him. Why—I have no idea, except you’re that good of a person.”

  She wipes her tears with her hand and I stand up and walk into the half bathroom off of the kitchen. I bring back a few tissues and hand them to her, taking my spot back on the couch.

  “I’ve made so many mistakes in my life. I feel like it was all a waste.”

  She dabs at her wet eyes with the tissue and I pull her closer to me.

  My fucking chest hurts, watching her cry.

  If the senator knows what’s good for him he will stay the fuck away from her and myself because I would love nothing more than to lay his ass out.

  “Charlotte, nothing is a waste. I’ve thought that before too, but now I just think it all led me here.”

  “With me?”

  I grin down at her. “Yeah, as fucking corny as that sounds.”

  She smiles for the first time tonight. “It’s not corny. It’s sweet and I feel the same way.”

  We sit there on her couch, my arm wrapped around her, just letting all of that soak in.

  I’ve never really been a fate kind of guy and a “it will all work out for the best” person, but I meant what I said.

  Maybe every shitty thing that has happened up to this point was all leading me right here with her.

  After a few minutes, Charlotte stands up from the couch, “I’m going to go change out of this ridiculous dress.” She turns and looks innocently over her shoulder at me. “Will you stay?”

  I nod my head. “Of course.”

  With that, she leaves to go upstairs—while I hang out and wait. She’s had a traumatic night. I fucking hate it.

  How could anyone treat her like this?

  It doesn’t take long before Charlotte reappears in the living room. She’s changed into a simple night shirt. Her long blonde hair spilling over her shoulders.

  Fuck she’s sexy.

  She doesn’t even have to try. She flashes that sweet Charlotte smile over at me before sitting next to me on the couch and leaning her head on my shoulder. “I’m glad you are here. Did you remember to park a few houses down?”

  I nod. It’s something we decided the other night. If I come over and it’s not “business related”, I will park my truck away from her condo—so no one will know I’m here. Who the fuck knows what her prick husband will do?

  For all I know he could be watching her closely.

  That thought sends shivers down my spine and makes me hug Charlotte tighter.

  I fucking hate that he knows where she lives.

  She settles in next to me, her body feels so fucking good against mine, but I’m not making a move tonight.

  That would be a dick move with the kind of night she’s had.

  Instead, I just hold her in my arms as we relax on the couch, our feet resting on her coffee table in front of us.

  It’s really fucking strange how content I am with this.

  What the fuck is that pounding?

  I look over at Charlotte, who is leaning back on my chest fast asleep on her couch. We didn’t mean to fall asleep last night.

  I gently remove my tingling arm from around Charlotte’s small shoulders, when I realize that the pounding is someone at the door.

  She stirs and looks over at me. “Jackson?”

  “Yeah. We must have fallen asleep—now someone is banging on your door.”

  She sits straight up, when she hears that, “It must be Nicholas. He’s the only one that knows I live here.”

  I nod my head, sure that she’s right. “You want me to handle this?”

  She shakes her head while standing up and pulling her night shirt down to straighten it out. “No. Please. I don’t want him to know you are here. I’ll handle it.”

  I don’t want to, but I stay put on the couch knowing that it’s not visible from the front door. “Alright. I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  She kisses my lips quickly before grabbing her cellphone off of the table and walking to her door.

  I hear it open a moment later and then Charlotte’s sweet voice, “Nicholas. What are you doing here?”

  “Charlotte, I have to speak with you. Please let me come in.”

  Asshole. “I have nothing to say to you.”

  He sounds almost frantic, “Charlotte, you don’t understand. This thing with Karen—it was purely sexual. There were no real feelings. I’m in love with you, Charlotte.”

  I ball my fists, staying on the couch. There is no way that Charlotte will buy his bullshit. “So I’m supposed to feel better that you don’t have any real feelings for her? That you are just using her for sex?”

  His tone is stern and it makes me tense, wanting to intervene, but I don’t. “Charlotte, you need to come home. If you want me to end this with Karen, I will.”

  “How long has it been going on?”

  Why the fuck does she care? “Charlotte…”

  “I want to know.”

  “A few years. It was nothing.”

  “And were there others?”

  He sighs, “This is ridiculous.”

  That’s a yes.


  “What’s ridiculous, Nicholas, is this marriage. You never loved me, you proved that by cheating on me for years, possibly since the very beginning. And hitting me.”

  “You deserved that. You were being a whore.”

  Fuck! My fingers are digging into the couch. The only thing that keeps me here is Charlotte saying that she can handle it. The way she said it made me feel like she NEEDS to do this on her own.

  If he touches her again though, he’s fucking dead.

  And then I hear four of the most beautiful words in the world, “I want a divorce.”

  They came from Charlotte and Nicholas’s tone goes from nasty to stunned. “You don’t mean that.”

  Charlotte sounds strong and confident, “I do. I’ve never meant anything more in my life. I’m calling my lawyer today and I am going to have him start the papers. And you will not contest.”

  He laughs, “You’re dreaming. I won’t sign them. If you do this, I will take you to court for everything you have.”

  “No, you won’t. According to the prenuptial agreement my father had you sign before we were married we will both keep everything we had prior to our marriage and split what we acquired. I’ll make it even easier though. You can keep everything except for the Mustang. The house, the money you’ve made during our marriage, the other cars. Everything, but
the Mustang.”

  “The Mustang HE built for you. Never.”

  “You will sign it. Because if you do, I’ll cite irreconcilable differences and we will have a peaceful, quick divorce. If you won’t, I’ll tell everyone that will listen about your affairs and your violent behavior.”

  A sense of pride bubbles in my chest. Fuck if this conversation doesn’t make her even more desirable!

  Nicholas is in disbelief. “You wouldn’t do this Charlotte. And for him? He’s a fling. Something that you have to get out of your system. When you do, you will run straight back to me and our comfortable lifestyle. He’s nothing.”

  Don’t take the bait Charlotte. I don’t need you to defend me.

  She doesn’t. “You’ll be served with papers soon. Do the right thing. This between us—whatever this was—is now over. The only contact we will have will be through our lawyers.”

  I hear the click of the door and one loud pound, before Charlotte strides into the living room with a huge smile on her face.

  I’m speechless.

  She leaps onto my lap, straddling my legs with her own. Her cellphone that was in her hand falls onto the cushion next to us as she places her hands on my shoulders, “That felt amazing! I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

  I grin—totally amazed by that whole conversation, “That was fucking incredible, Charlotte.”

  She beams with pride, clutching her heart with her right hand. “My heart is pounding. I meant every word, Jackson.”

  “I know. I could tell. I think he could too.”

  “I hope so. If he will sign the papers quickly, it’ll all be over and I’ll be free.”

  She leans down and kisses me passionately, I can feel the excitement she is feeling through the kiss.

  She pops her head up and reaches for her phone. “I recorded the entire conversation—just in case.”

  I look at her in shock. So that’s why she grabbed her cell before going to the door and why her conversation was careful not to mention me, “That was clever.”

  “I wanted proof of everything. Right now, I have the upper hand. His fear of hurting his reputation will help me tremendously.” A brief look of worry crosses her gorgeous face, “But that means that we have to be unbelievably careful until the divorce is final, Jackson. I know what’s he’s capable of. If we give him anything he will use it to hurt me.”

  She is genuinely afraid of this shithead. That pisses me off for her. “I won’t let him hurt you.”

  She gives me a kind smile. “I know, but I can’t let him hurt you either. And I want this to go as smoothly as possible. It’s all in my favor, currently. It has to stay that way so I can wrap this up and move on.”

  I like the sound of that. “Alright, we will be careful.”

  Her emerald eyes lock with mine, “Extremely careful. No calls. Nothing that can be traced.”

  Jesus. “Okay, if I call—I’ll call from my work number.”

  “Thank God for that—because I can’t imagine not hearing your voice.”

  I run my hands along her back. “Charlotte, it’s going to be okay.”

  “I think so too.” She glances back at the clock on the shelf. “It’s almost eleven. You probably have to get to work, don’t you? I’m sorry, I know you didn’t plan to stay here last night.”

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’m part owner—I can go in whenever I please.”

  She grins at that. She entices the fuck out of me when she bites her lower lip “Hmmm…whenever huh?”

  “Fuck, Charlotte. I’ll take a year off if you want me to.”

  We both laugh at that, knowing that’s a total exaggeration. “As fantastic as that sounds, I know that you love your job, and I admire that. Besides, Dylan and Luke depend on you.”

  That’s true... I slip my hand under the fabric of her shirt, feeling the silky skin beneath with my rough hands. “I can stay a little longer.”

  She smiles at that, before leaning down to nibble on my jaw line. Her soft lips grazing the subtle stubble on my face. My cock wakes up in an instant.

  She asked that asshole for a divorce today.

  As far as I’m concerned—now everything is fair game.

  Chapter 35


  Charlotte hands me a spare tooth brush and we both brush our teeth, standing at the sink in her master bathroom.

  Everything is so easy between us.

  It’s something I’ve seen in movies and television, but never actually experienced with a woman.

  If I spend a night with a chick, I either find a way to quickly bail in the morning, or get her out of my house if she stays at my place.

  Either way, there is none of this.

  Charlotte’s reflection smiles at me through the mirror as she rinses her mouth.

  I do the same, sitting my toothbrush on the sink and collecting her in my arms so her back is to me.

  “I should probably call my lawyer.”

  I lean down and nip at her ear, “As good as that sounds, I can actually think of something better.”

  She turns her body, facing me. She looks nervous, but wraps her arms around my neck, “And what would that be, Mr. Garrett?”

  I dip my head and kiss her—softly at first, before increasing to vigorous need. Her arms pull me tighter and in one quick motion I lift her up, her long legs wrapping around my waist. Aligning my achingly hard cock with her pussy.

  I sit her on the bathroom counter while her body is still wrapped around mine. I kiss and nibble on her slender neck, feeling the vibration of her soft moans with my lips.

  I’ve been waiting for what feels like a lifetime for this moment. I’ll be damned if I’m going to rush it.

  I reach for the hem of her night shirt that has ridden up over her thighs. She lifts her arms up and in one quick sweep of my hands the shirt is off and on the floor. I can see her bare back in the reflection of the mirror behind her. I look down at her gorgeous perky, tits and see that her nipples are hard and ready for my mouth.

  I lean down taking one into my mouth and the other, tracing circles with my tongue and sucking on them, listening to moans of passion escape her mouth.

  She’s left in only a pair of panties, nearly naked and exposed, but she seems calm and free in this moment.

  I let my tongue explore further down. It trails lightly from her breasts to her taut stomach, before reaching the last barrier of my final destination.

  I use my fingers to slowly slip off the dark red panties. Charlotte’s face is lost in ecstasy as I toss them to the side.

  I know I could make her come quickly, but I take my time with her. Hovering over her sweet pussy, I look up at Charlotte. “Tell me what you want?”

  Now she looks slightly startled. “What?”

  I gently grip her thighs with my hands. “Relax. It’s just you and me here. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  She bites the fucking bottom lip, driving me wild. But I keep my composure, and she answers meekly, “Um…what you did the other day. With your tongue.”

  I grin. “Good. So no fingers, just my mouth?”

  She swallows. I know this isn’t easy for her, but I want to know EXACTLY what she likes, “Yes. I liked that too. It was all amazing, Jackson. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”

  When she says my name it reminds me of her moaning it the other day.

  Fuck! I want to make that happen again.

  “I can’t wait to taste you again, Charlotte.”

  Her breathing picks up with anticipation. I grip her firm ass with my hands, pulling her closer to me. I finally taste her again, focusing first on her clit before sliding my tongue down her slit, slowly, teasingly.

  I slide two fingers in and out of her while I work on her clit, feeling her hips buck against me and her body leaning against the mirror. Her fingers run through my hair as she moans my fucking name again, “Jackson...”

  It’s slow and sweet rolling off of her tongue.

er body goes limp as she comes down from her orgasm.

  I stand up and take her hand, helping her off of the counter. I take a moment to gaze at Charlotte in all of her naked glory.

  We don’t say anything, and I lead her into her bedroom. I lift my shirt off over my head and she doesn’t look away.

  Thank God—maybe she’s losing some of that shyness.

  I can feel my heart fucking pounding twice as hard in my chest than it has in a long time. I don’t know if any woman has ever had this effect on me.

  Charlotte walks closer to me, her hands resting on my abs, she nibbles on my jawline and down my neck.

  I’m going to let her take the lead for now. Praying she’s comfortable enough with me to do whatever she pleases.

  She moves her tongue down my neck and to my chest. Her soft tongue sending electricity through my body. She runs it over every ridge of my abs and down to top of my jeans, kneeling on the ground before me.

  Part of me thinks she will freeze here, but she doesn’t. She slowly unbuttons the single button on my jeans and really fucking slowly unzips the zipper before pulling my jeans down, the outline of my hard cock is now visible. I see her eyes bug out a little bit.

  I step out of my jeans, and Charlotte seems more determined now than ever.

  I feel her trembling hands pull at the waistband of my boxer briefs, before removing them—completely freeing my cock.

  Her face is an intoxicating look of excitement mixed with a little fear. I wonder if she’s ever done this before. The look tells me she hasn’t, so I try to guide her, “What do you want to do to me, Charlotte?”

  Her nerves are back and she answers shyly, “I want to give you as much pleasure as you did for me.” She adds with a little more confidence, “With my mouth.”

  I’m definitely down for that. “Touch me, Charlotte.”

  “I don’t want to do it wrong.”

  I stop myself from laughing. She’s so fucking cute. I look down at her spectacular, gorgeous body, “There’s no fucking way that’s possible, Charlotte. I promise.”

  She takes a deep breath and reaches with her right hand. She grips my cock before cautiously running her tongue along the tip. I suck in a deep breath from the intense pleasure and she pulls back, “Was that wrong?”