Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Read online

Page 26

  “Good morning, Charlotte.”

  She stands up, “I’m going to go take a shower. Wanna join me?”

  I grin, “Like I’m going to pass that up.”

  We make our way to the shower, turning on the hot water and climbing in together. Lathering each other with soap, clinging on to each other. We don’t talk as I slowly sink into her from behind, nibbling on her neck.

  She reaches her arm behind her, wrapping her arm around my neck. Pulling me closer to her.

  No words.

  I move inside of her until neither of us can take it any longer.

  Afterwards we both rinse off, standing in the stream of water, Charlotte looks hopelessly at me, “Today is going to be bad, Jackson. I can feel it.”

  I nod, “I know. I feel it too.”

  “So what are we going to do?”


  She cocks her head to the side, “Nothing?”

  “No. We are just going to go on about our day and take it as it comes. That’s really all you can do in life.”

  She hugs my naked bod with hers, “Okay.”

  We reluctantly leave the sanctuary of the shower and dry off before getting dressed. “Alright. I’m gonna go home and change, then to the shop, but I’ll be back later.”

  She nods as she brushes her long hair, gazing into the mirror, “Promise me one thing?”

  I look at her reflection, “Anything.”

  “Don’t lie to me. If he does something. Anything at all, please tell me.”

  Well, fuck. I don’t want to promise that.

  I sigh, “Okay. I promise.”

  I give her a quick kiss before going about my day like I said.

  After changing and driving to the shop I walk inside and see that everything looks pretty normal around here.

  No assholes in suits.

  By lunchtime I’m feeling really confident and that’s when it’s shattered by one asshole in a suit at the front desk asking for Dylan and myself.

  “Mr. Monroe. Mr. Garrett. My name is Robert Dawson. IRS.”

  Dylan just nods his head as his listens to this guy explain that our business was chosen to be audited.

  We don’t have anything to worry about, but who the fuck likes being audited by the fucking IRS.

  After work, I’m in a shitty fucking mood. I wonder what “friend” of Nicholas Warner will be at the garage tomorrow.

  I don’t even have to knock on the door of Charlotte’s place, she just opens it like she’s been waiting for me. “Did anything happen?”

  I walk inside. I promised her I wouldn’t lie, “We are being audited.”

  Charlotte looks sick, “He called the IRS?”

  I may have promised to tell her the truth, but that doesn’t mean I won’t downplay it for her benefit if I can. I shrug my shoulders and take her hand in mine, leading her to her living room. “Yeah, he did. That’s all he’s got. I was expecting something way worse.”

  She looks at me like I’m insane, “The IRS is a huge deal. What if they plant something?”

  “Then that’s fraud. We’re good. We have a good accountant that we trust who has taken care of everything.”

  “What if they aren’t as good as you think. This could shut you down.”

  I kiss her head, holding her close to my body, “Charlotte, he’s pissed off. And he should be, he lost you because he’s a fucking dumbass that let you go. I’d be pissed too. He’s going to throw everything he’s got at us and it’s going to be a long battle, but I’m in this and okay with that.”

  “I’m in this too, but I’m not going to let him ruin your business.”

  “There isn’t anything you can do. We just have to ride it out.”

  She shakes her hand, adamantly, “No. I may have one last thing I can do.”

  I pull back looking into her eyes, “You aren’t going back to him.”

  It’s not a question. I’m never going to let that happen.

  “Never. Trust me on this one. I have a plan. You are right. I hold all of the power.”

  I don’t know what trick she has up her sleeve, but I’ve never seen her look so damn determined.

  I don’t think the Senator knows what’s about to hit him.

  Chapter 43


  By Thursday, I cannot longer sit by and watch Jackson’s career suffer. Yesterday Jackson came home after work and let me know that they had another visitor from Nicholas’s corrupt army.

  This time it was an agent from the Securities and Exchange Commission poking around.

  I can’t let this go on any longer and just wait for the next surprise so this morning after Jackson left I drove straight to Nicholas’s office downtown.

  I greet his secretary who I’ve always gotten along with, “How have you been?”

  “I’m doing okay Mrs. Warner. Let me see if he is available?”

  I wait patiently while she phones Nicholas and then hangs up. “You may go in.”

  “Thank you.”

  I walk into his dreary office and see that Nicholas is tucked away behind his desk, a sight I’m very used to.


  He examines my outfit. Spring in Kansas is very unpredictable, but today it’s fairly warm so I’m wearing a pair of cloth shorts paired with a t-shirt. My hair is up and I’m wearing very minimal make-up. I’m sure it’s driving him insane.


  “Nicholas. I won’t waste anyone’s time. I’m here for you to sign the papers.”

  He laughs at that.

  I’m not laughing.

  I stand in front of his desk, straight faced and calm. “Charlotte, that’s ridiculous. I’m not signing the papers.”

  “Well then I’ll see you in court because nothing will make me come back to you.”

  He sits up in his chair, fidgeting with his tie. “You are being a child.”

  I shake my head, “No this is a very adult decision. Of course I don’t want to go through court. I don’t want to spend any more time being Mrs. Nicholas Warner.”

  “Well you don’t have a choice.”

  I look at my watch, “Actually I think I do. We have to make this quick though I have a very important lunch date. I can’t miss.”

  He rolls his eyes at me, “With him? I’m sure he can wait.”

  I laugh, “No, not with Jackson. With a good friend of mine I haven’t seen since college. I’m not sure if you two ever met, but we were really close before I married you.” He looks bored with me until I say, “Christopher Anderson.”

  Nicholas’s face turns white and I bask in the glory of the power I have regained from this abusive man. “What? You don’t know him.”

  I do. Christopher Anderson was a journalism major in college when we met in a sociology course. He was sweet and passionate and we hit it off. Today, Christopher is one of the most influential political bloggers around. He lives in D.C now and has an unimaginable amount of followers that hang onto his every word. Every tweet.

  I never mentioned this to my husband and I’m still not sure how it didn’t come up. I never offered to call him to help Nicholas, but I did call him last night to help myself.

  “Well, it’s been a while since we talked. That’s true, but when I called him he was very excited to hear from me. He was even more excited to hear that I was married to Senator Nicholas Warner. So he flew in this morning to meet with me.”

  “He’s using you for an interview.”

  “Well that is his job, but we will catch up also. You never know what two old friends will talk about.”

  He glares at me from across his desk, “You wouldn’t dare cross me.”

  I lean with my hand gripping his desk, “I would. Sign the papers or you will lose everything. I promise that. When I’m through with you, you’ll never win another election. Either way you lose me.”

  “And if I sign them, what’s to say you won’t ruin me anyway?”

  “It’s in the papers. If you sign them uncontest
ed I will not say or do anything to purposely hurt your career. You can have it. I just want my freedom and Jackson.”

  He swallows hard. He looks close to exploding, but stays calm. “I’m not signing them. I saw the cute little clause that I won’t do anything to hurt Tricked or any employee of Tricked.”

  “Exactly. You get your career and Jackson gets his. Move on.”

  He’s frustrated beyond belief and for one moment I can’t breathe because I’m not sure if he’s going to go along with this.

  He pulls the papers out of his desk drawer and holds a pen to the signature area. His words are seething through clenched teeth, “Not one negative word at lunch?”

  I stand tall, “No. And you will call off all of your little “investigations”. If any of Jackson’s clients leave because of something you say we will sue you for defamation of character.”

  His expression is pained as he goes through the stack of papers, signing on each line. Each signature making me soar on a high.

  It’s almost over.

  He signs the last page and hands it to me. I look it over, making damn sure he didn’t miss anything.

  “He cannot make you happy Charlotte.”

  I hold the papers tightly in my hand and smile at him, confidently. “He already has.” I turn to leave and then quickly turn back to my very soon to be ex, “Oh, I filed papers today to make our accounts separate. You no longer have access to my trust fund.”

  With that last blow I am out of his office and out of his life.

  It’s crazy to think that just yesterday, everything felt completely helpless, but I knew I had to do something to protect Jackson.

  Trying to leave him for his protection was wrong.

  But then I realized that I always had the power. Nicholas’s only power was in my fear of him, now that I have gained courage through Jackson he doesn’t hold any of the power any more.

  It’s Jackson and I through it all, no matter what comes at us and suddenly nothing is that scary anymore.

  After dropping the papers off with my lawyer to have them signed by a judge I drive to Tricked.

  I walk inside and greet Carolyn happily before walking to Jackson’s office. He’s sitting at his desk and looks worrisome at me in the doorway. He starts to get up, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

  I smile and walk in signaling for him to sit down and I sit on his lap, my arms wrapped around his neck, “Everything is great. It’s over.”

  He still looks worried, “What’s over?”

  “Nicholas signed the papers?”

  “What? When?”

  “Just a little bit ago. I’ll tell you all about it later, but it’s okay. He’s going to call off these bogus investigations and leave us alone.”

  “How can you be so sure about that, Charlotte?”

  I kiss his lips with mine, pulling him tightly to me, his arms around my waist. “Because, I hold all the cards. Just like you said. I just finally decided to use them.”

  He looks into my eyes with obvious pride, “About fucking time.”

  I grin at his teasing, “I love you Jackson Garrett and now the possibilities are endless.”

  Dylan walks in and laughs at the sight of me on Jackson’s lap, “You know you guys could close the door.”

  I go to move from his lap and Jackson grip tightens, “Yeah do me a favor and close it will ya?”

  Dylan shakes his head, “Or you both have homes. You could save it for there.”

  Jackson laughs, he seems lighthearted and I’m so glad I could lift that heavy weight off of him, “We are celebrating. Senator Dickhead signed the papers.”

  Dylan looks noticeably relieved, “No shit?”

  I nod my head, “Yes. He did. It’s official and there is a clause that he cannot do anything to hurt this business. I’m not sure about the already ongoing investigations, but there definitely can’t be any future ones instigated by Nicholas.”

  “Well, hell, that is good news.” Dylan looks at Jackson, “We have a meeting in ten.”

  Jackson nods his head, “Yeah, yeah.”

  Dylan waves to me and leaves closing the door behind him.

  “Well we do have ten minutes. A lot can be done in that time.”

  I smile at Jackson, feeling so content and happy.

  How is it possible for one person to come into your life and make everything better? Even before I knew something was wrong, he made it right.

  Chapter 44


  Two weeks later and it still feels like a fucking dream. Charlotte’s asshole ex-husband has called off his minions and so far, we haven’t heard from him.

  All of it is possible because of Charlotte. She finally realized that she’s fucking strong and worth the risk.

  She’s currently leaning forward at my desk, eating the pasta dish she picked up for us to have lunch together in my office.

  I laugh as I think about how much my life has changed these past few years, but especially these recent months, “You’ve really pussified me you know?”

  Charlotte chews the pasta and swallows, laughing, “I don’t think that’s a word. And if it is, is that really a bad thing?”

  I shake my head, “Nah, I’ve never been happier.”

  “I agree.”

  “You talk to your parents?”

  She shakes her head, “Not since Nicholas told them everything. I’m giving it some time to settle. They will either forgive me or they won’t. I have no control over it.”

  I would never want to cause a riff in a family, but from everything Charlotte has told me, I’m gathering they weren’t tight knit in the first place. I blurt out, “I’m meeting Emma’s mom tomorrow.”

  Her eyes widen with curiosity. “Really? That’s great.”

  I wouldn’t describe it as great. She called again yesterday and I finally answered. I guess Charlotte has given me strength also. I shrug, “Yeah, well she sounded civil on the phone and said she just needed closure. I don’t know what the fuck that means, but maybe I do too.”

  Charlotte nods, “I think it will beneficial for you, Jackson.”

  More than likely she wants to blame me some more for Emma’s death. Maybe she’ll slap me again. That was fun.

  I just nod and Dylan strides into my office. He says hello to Charlotte, grinning at our lunch date, “Well this is just fucking adorable.”

  Charlotte giggles and I groan, “What do you want dickhead?”

  “Don’t be shy Jax, I like that you’re all ‘coupled up’ now and showing it proudly.”

  I shake my head, not even able to wipe the stupid grin off of my face long enough to act pissed off. “What’s up?”

  “Can you meet with Mr. Ferguson this afternoon?”

  I nod my head yes. I’m starting to get used to dealing with the customers more and more. “No problem.”

  He’s about to say something else, but his phone rings and he immediately answers it, “What?”

  “Which hospital?”

  He looks frantic and I stand up, my whole body tense. Is it one of the kids? Brooke? She is pregnant after all.

  “Okay, I’ll be right there. Thank you for calling me.”

  He hangs up the phone, his face is pale, “What’s wrong, man?”

  “Brooke went into labor. Her water already broke. I have to go.”

  “What? It’s two weeks too early for that.”

  He nods, pulling his keys out of his pocket, “Yeah I know. Fuck! I told her to slow her ass down.”

  Charlotte stands and places a hand on his shoulder, “A lot of babies are born at 38 weeks. Your baby is going to be fine.”

  He thanks her, but his face is still the same color as fresh snow. We walk out in the hallway, “They will both be fine.”

  He nods his head in slow motion, “I couldn’t take it if something happens.”

  I put my hand firmly on his shoulder, “Nothing will, except for you becoming a father today.”

  “Yeah which is fucking scary in it
s own right.”

  I nod, “Yeah, go with that fear.”

  “Thanks man. Can you do me a favor?”

  I raise my hand, “I’ll let all the kids know. We’ll be on standby for when you guys are ready to introduce your little princess. Now get the hell out of here.”

  He shakes the fear off and runs out of the garage.

  Eight hours later, after letting Luke and Cassie know what is going on, we all head in to the hospital after receiving the news that Brooke had a healthy baby girl.

  Charlotte and I lead the pack, with Luke, Hannah, Gabby, and Michael in tow. When we get there Brooke is cradling the baby in her arms with Alex sitting on the bed next to her and Dylan in the chair next to the bed.

  Gabby runs over, “She’s so pretty!”

  Brooke sits up to show off the baby a little better, “Sylvie are you ready to meet your Aunt Gabby?”

  Gabby scrunches her nose, “I can’t be an aunt Brooke! I’m only nine.”

  We all laugh and I walk over to Dylan while the kids and Charlotte gather around the bed. We bump fists, “Nice, man. She’s pretty cute.”

  He laughs, “Thanks, Jax. I was kinda hoping she’d be ugly.”

  I laugh at that. “God help the dumb son of a bitch that wants to date her someday.”

  “Yeah that shit ain’t happening.”

  Brooke must have heard our conversation and shakes her head at us, “She’s only an hour old. We have time.”

  I walk over to the bed to get a closer look and give Brooke a hug, “Well you did good.”

  She holds the baby out toward me, “You want to hold her?”

  I put my hands up, looking at her like she’s insane, “You’ve lost your mind woman. I’m not holding a baby. She’s tiny.”

  Brooke laughs at me and Alex gently takes the baby and places her in my arms. I hold the tiny little girl in my arms, cradling her close to me, praying I don’t drop her. She looks up at me with beautiful, brown eyes, cooing happily.

  Brooke smiles over at us, “See she loves her uncle Jax.”

  The baby grabs my finger with her whole chubby hand. Damn she has a phenomenal grip for someone so little. “Sylvie huh?”

  Dylan nods his head. “Sylvie Rose Monroe.”

  They named her after Dylan’s real mom and the kid’s mom, Sylvia. It’s pretty damn fitting if you ask me. “Nice.”