Unrefined (Monroe Series Book 3) Read online

Page 27

  I see Luke get a little choked up at the name and see the kids all beaming with pride. Their mother will live on. Everyone takes a turn holding Sylvie before we all decide to leave to let them get some rest.

  Everyone files out of the room, but Brooke asks, “Alex and Jax can you hold on for a minute?”

  We both stay behind. Brooke is holding Sylvie close and Dylan is on the bed with them.

  “What’s up, guys?” I ask.

  Brooke looks down at her newborn, grinning ear to ear, “Well we want to ask you both a favor.”

  Alex folds her arms, “Anything.”

  “Well we want you guys to be Sylvie’s godparents.” Brooke smiles over at me, “I know the custody thing would get a little weird since you both have significant others, but it had to be you two.”

  Dylan grins, “We can figure out the details later. Hopefully it never comes down to it, but you two are the people we trust most in this world and we all know shit happens.”

  I nod my head, knowing, “Yeah. That’s for damn sure.”

  Alex grins, “I would love to be her godmother.”

  She nudges me. It’s a big responsibility. God forbid anything ever happened to them, but like Dylan said, it happens in this family. “I’d be honored.”

  Brooke and Alex hug and Dylan and I shake hands before we leave to take the kids home.

  Luke and Hannah are staying at the house with them until Brooke, Dylan and Sylvie come home.

  Later when Charlotte and I are lying in bed I’m lost in thought with my arms tucked behind my head.

  Charlotte turns to her side to face me, “Your goddaughter is beautiful.”

  I nod, “Yeah she is.”

  “Are you Gabby and Michael’s godparent also?”

  We never talked about it formally. I think it was implied that if anything ever happened I would step in and do what needed to be done, but nothing was ever formal. “Not officially.”

  She nods her head and then adds, “I’m happy for them.”

  I pull her closer to me, wrapping her tightly in my arms, “Me too. Dylan was freaked the fuck out when he got that call today, but he was so calm tonight.”

  She nods in agreement, “He did seem calm. Both of them were just blissfully happy.”

  “Do you think you will ever want children?”

  She lifts her head, smiling and looking up at me with surprise. Shit did I just ask that? “That baby really got to you huh?”

  I laugh. Jesus I am fucking losing it. “I’m not saying I would want one right away or anything. Or ever. Just curious.”

  She just grins at me and lays her head on my chest, “I could see us having kids together, but I don’t want to scare you.”

  Why the fuck doesn’t that petrify me? “It doesn’t at all. It actually sounds pretty damn good.”

  “Maybe I have changed you. You have definitely changed me and I’m so grateful that you have.”

  I think we have changed each other in ways we never expected, in the best ways. I brought out her hard edge and she softened mine.

  Chapter 45


  Dylan won’t be back in the garage for at least a few days. If I have anything to say about it, at least a week. I go in early the next day and only leave for my coffee date with the Devil.

  Or as she’s also known Evelyn Richmond, Emma’s mother.

  I sit at a small table in the same coffee shop I first met Charlotte to discuss her car. My knee won’t stop bouncing under the table.

  Suddenly, I’m back in high school, subjecting myself to this woman’s wrath.

  I hope Charlotte is right and I won’t regret this.

  I look down at the table, tracing the grain pattern with my finger. I really need to find my balls again.


  Fuck. My body goes cold as I look up and into the eyes of Evelyn. She’s aged well, not surprising. “Mrs. Richmond.”

  I don’t stand, I just gesture for her to sit in the other chair. She places her fancy, large handbag on the table and joins me. “Thank you for meeting me today.”

  I sit up straight in my chair, my face is stone, “Why don’t you just tell me what this is about. I have a lot of shit to do and need to get back.”

  She appears to be totally unaffected by my gruff tone, “I don’t blame you for being upset with me.”

  Upset? Really? I grew to fucking hate this woman.

  I’m not immature enough to scream that I hate her, so I simply say, “Okay.”

  She seems to be just as nervous. Her hand is trembling on the table. This is a sight I never thought I would see. She’s always had a pair of brass balls around me. Her hatred of me obvious from the first day we met.

  Of course I was making out with her daughter on their living room couch.

  “I want to apologize.”

  My head snaps to meet her eyes directly, “What?”

  She sighs heavily, “I was horrible to you. I was a mess and my life was a mess. My daughter was out of control, my marriage was dreadful and I was addicted to anything I could get my hands on.”

  I stare at her in utter shock. I knew all of these things, but never in a million years did I expect for her to admit them to me.

  I’m still dumbfounded and she continues, “When Emma died and I went to say goodbye to her cold and broken body it should have been the most sobering event of my life. Instead I went harder and tried everything I could to numb myself.”

  “I know the feeling.” I say coldly.

  She nods, “I wanted someone to blame. Anyone. And you were an easy target. You were there.”

  I swallow, trying to push away the image of Emma’s limp body as they pulled her from the car. Just praying that she had a pulse and some fight left in her. “Yeah, I was, but I wasn’t driving.”

  She nods, “I know. You were there to save her.” And adds, “I think you always were, but she was a lost cause.”

  “Really? A fucking lost cause. She was your daughter.”

  “I know, and it was all my fault. The damage her father and I inflicted on Emma from a young age made it so she never had a chance.”

  None of this is what I expected. “So why are we here?”

  “I told you. I want to apologize. I’ve been sober for three years, I divorced Bryan, and I finally feel strong enough to talk to you about that night.”

  I shake my head, “I don’t talk about that night.”

  “I understand. The things you saw had to have been horrific. I wasn’t there and I should have been. I just want to know what made her that upset to get in her car that night.”

  “So you still want someone to blame?”

  She shakes her head adamantly, “No. I swear. I just want to know the whole story. The official report was that she was highly intoxicated and driving at an extremely high rate of speed, like she was running from something.”

  Telling Evelyn, the whole truth that Emma had watched a video of her fucking another man isn’t going to help a damn thing. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to lie and take all of the heat.

  “She was upset about a lot of things that night. Emma was hotheaded and stubborn, two things I loved about her, but ultimately led to her death. I don’t think we get a neat little answer that’s going to make us feel warm and tingly.”

  She nods her head, choking back tears, “You’re right. She’s just gone.”

  I look into her sad face, years of her own guilt and being haunted by Emma showing through her eyes, “Regardless of the mistakes you made, Emma brought a light into my life for a short period. I don’t know if that helps you or not, but the couple of years I was with her we made a lot of really good memories that I’ll always cherish.”

  That actually brings a kind smile to her face, “That does make me feel a lot better.” The surprise on her face is evident, “I’m really glad she could brighten your life even for a little while, and I know that you did the same for her.”

  I just nod my head not sure what
to say. Feeling oddly calm now, my knee stills under the table. She just wanted to apologize and get some closure from the pain of losing her daughter.

  “You look so grown up, Jackson.”

  “Well it’s been over ten years. It was bound to happen.”

  She smiles, “I’m glad you didn’t do anything stupid and made it to thirty. I have to admit I didn’t think that would happen.”

  That actually makes me chuckle, “Yeah I didn’t either. I tried to join her for a couple of years.”

  She nods like she knows exactly what I mean, like maybe she did too. “Well, you’ve grown into a fine young man and I’m sorry for all of the pain I caused you.”

  She isn’t Satan, just a worn and broken down woman, still paying from making so many mistakes.

  Chapter 46


  Jackson looks so handsome in a tuxedo, even though he is visibly uncomfortable. He’s tugging on the collar as we sit at our table.

  When I asked him if he would like to join me at the Country Club for a fund raising event for the local police department, I really didn’t expect him to say yes.

  He did though, and he didn’t complain. Just asked when and where and now he’s here with me.

  Jackson stops fiddling with his collar and looks over at me, giving me a sexy grin and a wink. He stands and holds his hand out for me, “Dance with me?”

  I nod, happily accepting and take his hand, standing. I know that all of my old “friends” have had their eyes glued to us since we got here, but it doesn’t matter to me what they think.

  I have him.

  I haven’t seen Nicholas tonight, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s here somewhere, working the crowd.

  Jackson holds me close to his strong body and I wrap my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes as we sway to the music. “Thank you for coming here tonight. I know how much you hate tuxedos.”

  He grins and looks deadly serious, “Yeah, but I love you.”

  I look at him in shock. I’ve said that a few times, but he’s never said it out loud. “You do?”

  He smiles and pulls me tighter, my head lying on his shoulder, “Does that really surprise you?”

  I shake my head slightly, “No, but it does that you finally said it.”

  He guides my head up with one hand, the other on my waist still moving to the sweet song playing, “I love you Charlotte.”

  “I love you Jackson. Always.”

  He kisses me softly, it’s a tasteful kiss, but it’s also claiming me and suddenly I want to be anywhere else. The slightest touch or kiss from Jackson lights me on fire and awakens passion in me I have never felt.

  Unfortunately, that’s when I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see who is interrupting our moment.

  It’s Gloria. “Charlotte, it feels like ages since you have been at the club. I just wanted to say hi.”

  I move to Jackson’s side, his arm around my waist. I feel strong. “Hi, Gloria. How have you been?”

  She’s eyeing Jackson pretty hard and then finally focuses on me, “I’m wonderful. Are you going to introduce me to your friend?”

  I nod my head, trying to be polite. “This is my boyfriend, Jackson Garrett.”

  She clutches her necklace, it’s fairly subtle, but still ridiculous. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Garrett.”

  Jackson nods his head. “You too.”

  I know Gloria is dying for gossip. She is just waiting for this meeting to end so she can run to her socialite friends and tell them God knows what. This has me laughing inside. The sad lives of these women no longer concerns me.

  I look at this woman, I used to consider a friend. She’s not a terrible person, just bored and empty. “Well, we are going to continue dancing. It was good to see you Gloria. I’m sure we will see you again soon.”

  She looks surprised by that, but just nods and quietly skulks off. Jackson laughs heartily as he takes me back in his arms, “So how do you think she will describe me to the others?”

  I laugh at that, “Hmm, probably foul mouthed, covered in tattoos, and dirty.”

  “Hey I didn’t say ‘fuck’ once.”

  Laughter escapes my mouth again. I don’t remember ever laughing so much at an event like this. “That’s true, so just covered in tattoos and dirty.”

  He whispers in my air, his voice thick with need, “Very dirty.”

  “We made our appearance. We can leave now.”

  He laughs, “They haven’t even served dinner yet.”

  I nod my head, he’s right, we really should stay longer. “Alright, you talked me into it.”

  “Besides I know that charities are really important to you.”

  That’s true. That’s the one thing I really enjoyed about my “old life”. “Yes they are. I love doing good in this world. In fact, I think I’m going to try to do even more.”

  This peaks his interest, “Oh yeah? That’s great.”

  “Yes. I talked to a woman at the City Union Mission and I’m going to spend some time volunteering there and maybe a few other local areas. There is so much to be done in the city.”

  I can feel him grin as my lies against, “I think that’s a great idea Charlotte.”

  Me too. “I’m not going to be the bored housewife. Spending my days only shopping and going to grand events.” I add, “Although I’ll probably still be doing those things.”

  His hand rests firmly on the small of my back as we dance, “Sounds like a damn good plan. The world can use more good in it.”

  The song ends and Jackson excuses himself to make a quick phone call to Luke, checking in about the shop. He’s going to be very busy now that Dylan and Brooke have little Sylvie to attend to, but he still somehow makes time for me.

  I make my way to bar to order a glass of champagne when I hear Nicholas’s voice.

  He isn’t talking to me, but to one of the oldest members of the club. I don’t think he sees me as I’m not standing too close to him.

  “Your contribution to my campaign would really help it stay afloat. You can’t go wrong with me, I’ve been elected three times already and we all know you like a winner.”

  The man’s voice is loud and confident, “Nicholas, I voted for you to win each of those times, but you’ve never begged me for money before. Buck up, man. And act like a winner.”

  With that I see the older man walk away from the bar and Nicholas’s cold eyes meet mine. I don’t glare at him. I actually pity him, without my hefty trust fund he is left groveling for money to fund his corrupt campaign.

  Knowing him, he will find a way to have a successful election.

  However, it will never be with my help again.

  Chapter 47

  Three weeks later…

  Cassie’s High School Graduation


  “Here’s to Cassie. We all knew you could do it. And God help those poor bastards in Manhattan next Fall.” I raise my glass after my quick toast to Cassie and everyone else follows before I take a seat next to Charlotte and Brooke.

  Brooke has little Sylvie tucked in her arms. Charlotte’s right hand is holding onto mine, our intertwined hands resting on my thigh.

  Cassie is sitting across from me at the large picnic table in Brooke and Dylan’s backyard. “Thanks, Jax for the heartfelt speech.”

  I laugh, “Not a problem, kid. Meant every word.”

  Shriller, who flew in this morning and made it just in time for the ceremony, is sitting next to Cass. “Damn, you are going to have a blast in Manhattan, Cass. No doubt.”

  Dylan peers at us from the other end of the table, “Not too much fun.”

  Sylvie starts to fuss in Brooke’s arm and she gently rocks her. Unfortunately, Sylvie isn’t having it.

  The kid already has spunk and she can’t even hold her head up on her own yet. Brooke, who has to be exhausted continues to rock her gently, calmly shushing her.

  When that still doesn’t work, I smile and take my hand out of Char
lotte’s holding them out to Brooke, “Let Uncle Jax try.”

  She gratefully hands little Sylvie to me and I cradle her tiny body in my huge arms. Her crying instantly stops and she coos as she holds onto my finger with her hand.

  Brooke’s body noticeably relaxes and she smiles, “She just adores you.”

  I smile down at the infant that has already grown on me. I haven’t been around a lot since I’ve been trying to pick up slack at the shop, but when I am this kid and I spend some quality time together. “Feeling’s mutual.”

  Shriller laughs, shaking his head at the sight before him. “Damn Jax. I leave for a year and you turn into a total family man.”

  Charlotte grins over at him, proudly, “Is that a bad thing?”

  Shriller shakes his head, “No. It’s pretty great. I swear though, this guy is the last guy I thought would settle down.”

  I laugh at that unbelievably true statement, “So I guess you’re next then huh?”

  He shakes his head, holding his hands up, “Hell no, don’t put that on me just because you are all, in your terms, ‘coupled up’.”

  I hear Dylan’s laugh, “It’s gonna happen man.”

  Gabby pipes up excitedly in a singsong voice, “Shriller’s getting married. Married. Shriller’s getting married!”

  Shriller groans, “This is why I don’t come see you guys very often.”

  Laughter flows through the whole table, except from Cass who seems to be in her own little world. She excuses herself to “get something in the house.”

  Sylvie is now asleep in my arms and I hand her off gently, to Brooke. After giving Charlotte a quick kiss I go inside to look for her.

  I walk into the kitchen from the backyard and see Cassie sitting at the kitchen table messing with her phone. So I walk over to sit down next to her, “What’s up, Cass? Too much fun out there?”

  She looks up from her phone, “Yeah, you caught me.”

  “What’s wrong? This is your day.”

  She sits back in her chair, looking out the window at the backyard, “It’s really here. I’m going to college at K-State in a couple months. It’s so…real.”